About LarryJones.ca

I warmly welcome you to my library – a forty-five year collection of (what I believe to be) Spirit-inspired teachings and observations. I have directed my writings, chiefly, to evangelical christians, those having been “born of the Spirit” and who have attached themselves to the evangelical religion.

I am what could be called a New Testament christian. A NT christian is one who endeavours to be taught and guided by NT teachings. The opposite of NT christianity is culturalized christianity. Culturalized christianity is a christianity that has been shaped primarily by what our contemporary (present-day) spiritual culture considers to be appropriate and acceptable.

An evangelical is one who has been cultivated by culturalized evangelical christianity, this to his/her serious detriment. My writings and videos contest evangelicalism, and points its devotees back to “first love” (the Lord Jesus Christ) and back to NT allegiance.

Question: Why do I post my library of books, articles and videos?

Answer # 1: The most important concern to the born-again christian should be his/her relationship with the Lord Jesus; the value of this relationship will determine one’s eternal outcome. I am confident that feeding on my material will enrich that relationship.

Answer # 2: Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, told me to.

Question: What  makes me think my material is more beneficial than most other writers/teachers/preachers?

Answer: I answer this question with a question…. how can someone attached to a religion – this could include every teacher/preacher who has spiritually influenced you – free you from religion? Said another way, how can someone who has given himself over to “commandments of men” – (Jesus: “In vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men”) – set you free from “commandments of men”? Said another way, how can religionists (those promoting religion) set you free from religion?

Question: What are my qualifications?

My writings reveal that Jesus is my “first love”, and it is His precious name my publications have always exalted. (Admittedly, my writings do not sufficiently reveal my long list of shortcomings.)

Another qualification: I am not credentialed by, or attached to, evangelicalism or any other religion.

And another: I have never been to seminary or Bible college; as such, my perspectives are NT perspectives, not contemporary christianity perspectives.

And another: I am one of those rare christians not attached to, indebted to, or reliant upon religionists or the religionists’ religion.

And one more: I live, not fully but more than most, in the awareness that I must “appear before the judgment seat of Christ”, which motivates me to be cautious as to what I communicate to my audience.

As such I hereby make a STATEMENT for your consideration. I suggest you read this STATEMENT, not once or twice, but five times or more until you really, really get it….

The born-again evangelical (etcetera), who regularly feeds upon my library of books, articles and videos will be better attached, relationally speaking, to Jesus Christ…. AND this enhanced relationship will result in a greatly increased harvest of good fruit (Jesus: “He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears MUCH fruit”)…. good fruit that includes every good thing, including an exceptional account to Judge Jesus (Paul: “We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ”)…. including hundreds, perhaps thousands, of converts to Jesus Christ (Jesus: “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men”)…. including the fulfillment of one’s unique and special calling (Jesus: “As the Father sent Me, so I send you”)…. AND this enhanced relationship with Lord Jesus will deepen your commitment to NT teachings (and make you disdainful of “commandments of men” that now burden and impair you)…. AND your improved relationship with Lord Jesus will automatically improve your relationship with the Father (Jesus: “We will come to him and make Our home with him”)…. And you will be more compliant to and empowered by the Holy Spirit. (Paul: “Be filled with the Spirit.”) 

My precious brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, you must comprehend that it is so very difficult to escape the bondage of religion. That’s why the catholic is still catholic, the anglican is still anglican, the mormon is still mormon…. and the evangelical is still evangelical. That’s why I suggest you (not occasionally but) regularly feed on my material – or that of others equally liberating – until you know in your heart that you are the branch (once again, as when first “born of the Spirit”) firmly attached to Jesus, “the true vine”. (Jesus: “I am the vine, you are the branches.”)

Is this STATEMENT true (valid, authentic, honest)? Ask Him. (Jesus: “One is your Teacher, the Christ.”) Does Jesus want you to regularly feed on my library of writings and videos? Ask Him. Can my material really enhance your relationship with Lord Jesus? Ask Him.

Ask Him, ask Him, ask Him! Okay?