Issue # 3 – The Bible: Just Another Book?
Your problem has a remedy. That remedy is found in the Bible, the book that changes lives and sets people free. This edition of The Main Issue deals with the Bible. The Christian community claims the Bible to be God’s Word to man. Indeed, within its own pages are some very bold statements regarding its…
Issue # 4 – Heaven and Hell
Caution! Brace yourself for an extraordinary ride as The Main Issue takes you through an excursion that will surely impact your life. Indeed, to read it may take a pinch of courage. But not reading would rob yourself of life-giving knowledge. You think about it once in a while – heaven and hell – but…
Issue # 5 – Christ the Healer
Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ paid the price for 1) your eternal life and 2) your health. Those are two of the reasons He went to the cross. You have heard, perhaps, that He was killed by the Romans. But Jesus laid down His life freely. He could have called a legion of angels…