JESUS: “I am the light of the world”


JESUS: “That which is born of the Spirit is spirit”

JESUS: “You must be born again”

JESUS: “Light has come into the world”

JESUS: “He who does the truth comes to the light”

JESUS: “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me”

JESUS: “Lift up your eyes and look at the fields”

JESUS: “He who reaps receives wages”


JESUS: “Sin no more”

JESUS: “The very works I do–bear witness of Me”

JESUS: “Do not labor for the food which perishes”

JESUS: “I am the bread of life”

JESUS: “He who comes to Me shall never hunger”

JESUS: “I am the bread which came down from heaven

JESUS: “the bread that I shall give is My flesh”

JESUS: “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me”

JESUS: “He who sent Me is true”

JESUS: “come to Me and drink”

JESUS: “Go, and sin no more”


JESUS: “I am not alone”

JESUS: “He who sent Me is true”

JESUS: “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men”

JESUS: “I always do those things that please Him”

JESUS: “The truth shall make you free”

JESUS: “He who is of God, hears God's words”

JESUS: “Before Abraham was, I Am”

VIDEOS (English Only)

JESUS: “I am the door of the sheep”

JESUS: “I am the good shepherd”

JESUS: “I know My sheep”

JESUS: “I am the true vine”


JESUS: “Abide in Me”

JESUS: “I lay down My life for the sheep”

JESUS: “My sheep hear My voice”

JESUS: “I am the resurrection and the life”

JESUS: “Lazareth, come forth!”

JESUS: “He who sees Me sees Him who sent Me”

JESUS: “Let not your heart be troubled”

JESUS: “I go and prepare a place for you”

JESUS: “Love one another”

JESUS: “Receive the Holy Spirit”

JESUS: “My peace I give to you”