Library of Books and Articles

A Catholic No More


A   C A T H O L I C   N O   M O R E   I N T R O D U C T I O N   Yesterday was the last day of August, 2008, and I was walking in a park. Not much of a park, this park, a ten minute walk-around […]

Pulpit Power


INTRODUCTION A pastor, a plumber, a pulpit Bryden Falls Community Christian Center Bryden Falls…..skirting the Canada-U.S. border……somewhere in western Canada The Challengers……a church men’s baseball team……in a secular league Challenging American baseball supremacy

Financing the Great Commission


FROM THE AUTHOR This book is dedicated and addressed to the student of the Word. Not every Christian is a student of the Word, though each should be. I define a student of the Word as: a serious inquisitor into the ways of God by the study of the Bible for the purpose of embracing […]