Q & A: Who Asks? Who Answers?
Q: Well, who asks the questions?
A: I do.
Q: Okay, who answers?
A: I do.
Q: You answer your own questions?
A: Well, yeah.
Q: Who are you?
A: I am you?
Q: You are me?
A: Yes. We are both Larry Jones.
Q: Hmmm. Have I ever asked me a question I couldn’t answer?
A: Not yet.
Q: Think that will ever happen?
A: Not likely.
Q: So why the Q & A?
A: Q & A points christians to Christ.
Q: Christians to Christ? Is there a need?
A: I…. uh, we…. are convinced most have been abducted.
Q: Abducted!? By who?
A: Not who, but what. By one of many religions.
Q: Including evangelicalism?
A: Especially including evangelicalism.