I call the evangelical tithe ‘awful’ because it is harmful to one’s relationship with Jesus. Jesus: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Where your money (treasure) goes, so goes your heart (your loyalty, your affection). If evangelicalism has captured your givings, evangelicalism has captured you. Get it, my brothers and sisters?

Three. Almost total disregard for Christ’s great commission. (Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”)

I ask people, “Do you know what the 10/40 Window is?” Almost always the answer is no. The 10/40 Window is a section of land between the 10th and 40th degree north latitude which includes North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. About 70% of the world’s population live there, most whom have never heard the gospel. Question: How can it be that most evangelicals, each of whom has been entrusted with Christ’s great commission, have never heard of the 10/40 Window where most people in the world live and have not received the gospel? Blame that on evangelicalism and the evangelical’s subservience to pulpit-people.

One report I read says that as little as one percent of all funds directed toward world missions reaches the 10/40 Window. Another report says one and a half percent. That’s one percent (or one and a half percent) of leftover change after church expenses. I calculated that if one put $100 into one of evangelical’s millions of Sunday’s collection plates the 10/40 Window would receive a nickel! Yes, I said a nickel! (But maybe I miscalculate…. maybe it’s a dime, maybe even 15 cents.) 

Would you agree that Jesus is always financing His great commission through His people? If so, where does that money go? How has your money been spent? Remember, you must one day give an account to Lord Jesus how you spent the money He entrusted to you. (1 Cor. 4:2: “It is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”)    

Now I am going to make a statement that may shock you, so I suggest you brace yourself. Okay? Are you ready? Here it goes…. In my opinion the terrible squandering of money within evangelicalism is responsible for the damnation of millions of people. Millions are suffering (at this VERY moment!!) an indescribable anguish because evangelicals have been coerced to entrust a portion of their income to evangelicals instead of to the Holy Spirit.

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