Jesus said to “the church of Ephesus”: “I have this against you, that you have left first love.” Jesus was their first (primary) love, and then He wasn’t. Jesus sat on the throne of their lives and then He was deposed. The Ephesians started off as followers of Christ and soon became followers of each other. Now…. examine YOUR heart; could Jesus say those same words to you and yours: “I have this against you, that you have left first love”?
Now brace yourself again because I am going to make another hard-to-swallow statement. After fifty years of observation (I was born again in 1972) I have come to this conclusion: As much as ninety-five percent of North American born-again christians – those not over one or two years old in the Lord who have yet to surrender to a religion of one sort or another – have abandoned Jesus as “first love”! Yes, evangelicals (etcetera) certainly love Jesus, but they have come to love something or someone more. And this certainly includes pulpit-people and public renowns; their speech gives them away.
The most important question you can ask yourself is, “Is Jesus MY first love?” If you cannot say an emphatic yes, then I suggest you do exactly what Jesus told the Ephesians to do: “REPENT”. And by an act of the free will God has given, RECOMMIT your life to Jesus Christ with no less fervour and with much deeper understanding then when you first embraced Him. And then REFORM your life. Commit yourself to the Bible. No more shadowing religionists. From now on you build your christianity on the Father’s sanctifying words, His Bible. (“Sanctify them by Your truth.”)
You are a New Covenant christian, a covenant ratified by “the blood of the Lamb”. (John: “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”) How does a New Covenant person live? A New Covenant person lives by the teachings/standard/guidance revealed in the New Testament through Jesus, Paul and others.
Before you is a better life. You may not achieve that better life but it is there for the overcoming christian. And before you, off in the distance, is a gratifying celebration at the judgement seat of Christ where you will be rewarded for obedience. 2 Corinthians 5:10: “We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.”