Dear Pastor Whoever….

I want to reason with you about what I call the awful evangelical tithe. I ask you to humour me by pretending, just for a few minutes, that you agree that the tithe collected within evangelicalism each and every sunday is contrary to NT writings and therefore contrary to Christ. Okay?Just a few minutes of make-believe? Can you do that?

If so, you would have to agree that almost every pastor of almost every local church of almost every denomination under the worldwide tent of evangelicalism is under girded financially in a manner that seriously grieves the God they claim to serve. You would be forced to acknowledge that evangelical seminaries, during their entire existence, have been falsely teaching the teachers they produce. Denominational credentials would lose their authenticity. I know this is painful, but we must continue…

If the awful evangelical tithe really is as awful as I think it is, large numbers of trusting congregations have been duped. Millions of salaries should never have been paid and so many buildings never constructed. And it gets worse. Many will spend their eternity in that place of eternal torment because christians have been coerced to invest in their religion instead of Christ’s Great Commission. Multitudes of both pulpit-people-and pew-people will suffer serious remorse at the judgment seat of Christ.

You protest, But so many can’t be wrong! Oh yes they can. Every sizable religion proves that. I advise you to prayerfully compare the evangelical tithe to the Bible and if you conclude I am right and they are wrong, then run! Dump your religion, return to “first love” and seek Christ’s direction. Only then will you hear,”Well done, good and faithful servant.”

I wish you courage and strength,

Larry Jones