Dear Pastor Whoever….

Your congregation. Let’s talk about your congregation and the relationship between you and them. What church business should they know and what, if anything, should they not know?

There are many things, Pastor Whoever, you are not telling them that they should know. You withhold truths and the freedom that comes with truth. (“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”)

What are you holding back? The list is long. Today I mention but one….

The people have the right to know the spiritual condition of evangelical denominations. Like the catholic who assumes catholicism has God as its architect, evangelicals likewise assume the authenticity of evangelicalism. But is your religion worthy of such trust? Let’s look at it….

Isn’t the glaring schism between denominations strong evidence that denominationalism is defective? Many examples could be cited, but I will speak of one….

As you know, many denominations believe and teach that Jesus no longer heals miraculously. Let’s suppose that it is still Christ’s desire to heal everyone who is infirmed. And let’s suppose that 50% of evangelical denominations preach the opposite, that it is no longer Christ’s will to heal supernaturally. That means 50% of evangelical pastors preach what must be termed heresy, one causing immeasurable pain and turmoil and death.

You can see, can you not, that these denominational pastors could not possibly be sent by Jesus Christ to shepherd His people. And the denominations that placed them behind their pulpits could not not have been birthed of God.

You owe the congregation that trusts you to speak truth about denominations and all religion. Do you agree?