Dear Pastor Whoever….
Since the denomination you belong to cannot be found in the Bible, your suspicion should be aroused. After all, you do believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, right? That’s what you on several occasions declared to your congregation. Bible raised above your head you solemnly proclaimed, “This is God’s infallible word!” Yet in that “infallible word” denominations cannot be found. Yikes!Perhaps you are comforted by the hundreds of thousands of christians attached to mainline denominations throughout North America and beyond, every one, by his/her devotion, adds to the credibility of denominationalism. So one could conclude that denominations are a good thing, right? So many christians can’t be wrong. It’s inconceivable that these mammoth denominations, each c/w national and regional superintendents with their various ranks of underling national overseers – all, incidentally, funded by (mostly unaware) pew-people – do not have the endorsement of Jesus Christ. And yet….And yet there is that bothersome, unpleasant reality: denominations cannot be found in the Bible, and are therefore non-Biblical. Sir, you serve a non-Biblical religion. Ouch! You know Lord Jesus taught us that the wise man is the one who builds on His words and the foolish man is the one who doesn’t (Matthew, chapter 7). Do you agree the words of Lord Jesus are not only the words he personally spoke but all Bible words? (“All scripture is given by inspiration of God.”) Understand that it takes no less courage for you to scrutinize evangelical tradition than it does for Father Whoever to challenge that of his religion. It takes real grit to be a follower of our Lord Jesus; it takes none to be an ambassador of religion.
Paul to Timothy: “Preach the word!”
Respectfully, Larry Jones