Dear Pastor Whoever….

I want you to fully understand: I DON’T NEED YOU. Never did. Yes, I once thought you were necessary for spiritual growth – that’s what was thoroughly intimated to me – but I was mistaken. Jesus – my real pastor (shepherd) and my only pastor – taught me that He was my sufficiency. He said, “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.” Jesus never suggested I needed another. And He also taught me how I am able to please our precious Father: “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit.” Hmmm….. I please the Father by bearing much fruit and I bear much fruit by abiding in Christ. Jesus never mentioned my need for you, Pastor Whoever. Why didn’t you tell me that? Why did I have to find out for myself that success did not depend on my submission to you or any man? Why did you coerce me to call you “Pastor” (I thank “the living God” I never capitulated) when Jesus alone is my pastor? (“The LORD is my shepherd (pastor).” Many years ago I left your influence to regain the intimacy for Lord Jesus I knew at rebirth. I repented of man-gazing. I regret financially supporting your religion. I wish you would return my money; I would use it to finance Christ’s Great Commission. I ache for the people who have accepted the notion that they need you…. that Christ has abdicated His position as pastor of their christianity and substituted you for Himself. Next Sunday, please tell the congregation, “You don’t need me. Christ alone is your sufficiency. Not Christ plus, just Christ. Not Christ plus me. Not Christ plus church. Not Christ plus evangelicalism. Adding someone or something to Christ weakens your relationship. Which limits your fruit. Which robs you of eternal rewards. Repent of man- gazing – man-gazing, so dangerously close to man-worship – and become what you once were, a Christ-gazer.”

I wish you well,

Larry Jones