John 8:32: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

(The evangelical tithe is awful because it’s not true. It is false. As truth sets free, untruth incarcerates.)

Since it was Jesus Himself who taught us that truth sets free, we ought not fear or ignore truth. Amen? I have often revealed truth regarding the awful evangelical tithe and I trust some have been set free from the tyranny imposed upon them by salaried and certified (and trusted) pastors. Have you?

2 Corinthians 9:7: Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity.

The Mosaic tithe was both holy and “of necessity”. The people were not given a choice. If they held back the tithe (ten percent of the increase of the land) they were “cursed with a curse”. (Mal.3:9) Paul’s instruction to the Corinthians NOT to give “of necessity” (under compulsion) is a declaration to us that we are not obligated by God to tithe. Do you agree?

One cannot give “as he purposes in his heart” while tithing his income under obligation. It doesn’t take “heart” to tithe; it takes a calculator! And it takes disobedience!

Acts 20:27: “I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.”

Does “the whole counsel of God” include tithing one’s income? No!! Paul, who declared “the whole counsel of God”, never instructed the churches to tithe – not the Romans!, not the Corinthians!, not the Galatians!, not the Ephesians!, not the Philippians!, not the Colossians!, not the Thessalonians!, not anyone! (Neither did Peter or John or James!) Is this not proof that tithing is a trespass against the “counsel of God” and His Bible?

Acts 20:29: “I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”

What did “savage wolves” want? Salvage wolves, without exception, want money (and the power and prestige money buys.)

Mark 7:12: “You no longer let him do anything for his father or mother, making the word of God of no effect through your tradition.”

Jesus was talking to the Pharisees. The Pharisees taught that one is not obligated to care for their parents if the cost to do so was redirected as “a gift to God”. (This “gift of God” was to be entrusted to the Pharisees who were, Luke tells us, “lovers of money”.) The Pharisees are prime examples of “savage wolves”.

Acts 20:29: “Savage wolves will come in AMONG YOU, not sparing the flock.”

Among who? Among “the flock” or among the elders? It can’t be the flock. It is obvious Paul is warning that “savage wolves will come in among” the elders!

Acts 20:30: “From among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after themselves.”

Does “from among yourselves” further confirm that the “savage wolves” Paul referenced were actual elders (leaders)? And what are “perverse things”? Can we conclude that “perverse things” are false teachings (that make “the word of God of no effect”)?

Did “salvage wolves” disappear with the early church? Or are they still around today? If so, who are they? Where are they?

1 Corinthians 2:15: He who is spiritual judges all things.

(The awful evangelical tithe is theft by embezzlement.)

You are responsible for you. If you don’t “judge all things” it is because you are not sufficiently spiritual. Jesus wants you to judge all circumstances that affect His church. You judge by comparing what you see and hear with New Testament teachings and precedents. 

Only the extremely naive would think there are no “savage wolves” in our midst today. If they were in the then-and-there they are certainly in the here-and-now. And can you see that the “savage wolves” in our churches cannot be pew-people? Can you see that only church leadership has the leverage to fleece Christ’s sheep? Pulpit-people, not pew-people, have the power to impose “commandments of men” on congregations. So…. how can you distinguish bad elders from good elders?

Matthew 12:33: “A tree is known by its fruit.”

Good elders are not hirelings, one who is hired. Paul was not a hireling; though often supported through CONTRIBUTIONS, he was not hired by anyone. There is not a spiritual hireling in the entire New Testament. But….. almost everyone in leadership positions today has been hired. Does Lord Jesus want you to finance the salaries of hirelings?

2 Corinthians 12:14 (AMPC): I am ready to come to [visit] you. And I will not burden you [financially], for it is not your [money] that I want but you.

Paul didn’t put a financial burden on the Corinthian christians. Little Moses (Pastor Whoever) has no such scruples. Every sunday’s collection is proof Little Moses (man-appointed mediator between Jesus and you) wants your money, as much as he can get. 

2 Thessalonians 3:8: Nor did we eat anyone’s bread free of charge, but worked with labor and toil night and day, that we might not be a burden to you.

Paul was not a burden to the Corinthians nor the Thessalonians. Paul worked! Repeat: Paul worked! Pastor Whoever, do you “have ears to hear”?….  Paul, the tentmaker, worked! Does that say anything to you?

2 Corinthians 11:3 (NLT): I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted.

(The awful evangelical tithe sends multitudes to eternal hell.)

Little Moses once had a “pure and undivided devotion to Christ.” And then he went to seminary. After a year or two he graduated with an impressive credential and a “pure and undivided devotion” to religion (“commandments of men”). Over the years he has become proficient at extracting money from (fleecing) his congregation, convincing them that God demands their tenth.

Little Moses has little interest in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission. As a result, his trusting congregation likewise has little interest in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission. When is the last time you heard someone speak of Christ’s Great Commission? Can’t remember can you? Why is this?

Jesus: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The bulk of their entire giving has been entrusted to Little Moses who directs that money toward an impressive building, his own comfortable living, and many lesser demands of his religion. If Christ’s Great Commission doesn’t receive your “treasure” neither will it receive your concern. 

Romans 1:14: I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians, both to wise and unwise.

Why was Paul a debtor to the unsaved? Was it because he was an apostle? I don’t think so. Paul was a debtor because he was a christian. All christians are debtors. I am a debtor. You are a debtor. And we are all capable of being “fishers of men”. Jesus: “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” To be soul-winners (people-winners) we simply have to stop following christians and follow Christ. Amen?

Matthew 6:21: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

(The awful evangelical tithe weakens our relationship with Jesus Christ.)

Your heart follows your money and the things your money purchases. Tithe money (and non-tithe money) placed under the supervision of Little Moses will cause a shift of affection and loyalty from Lord Jesus to himself and the religion he bows to. Nothing is as debilitating as a fractured relationship with Jesus. Jesus: “I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” Jesus: “He WHO ABIDES IN ME [is the one who]… bears much fruit.” Jesus: “Without Me [without being firmly attached to Me] you can do nothing.”

Matthew 6:20: “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”

(The awful evangelical tithe robs you of eternal rewards.)

You are on your way to heaven and have opportunity to send “treasures” ahead of you. (Isn’t Jesus wonderful?) These rewards, whatever they are, are eternal; they are still in perfect condition a million years later. The church building and all its expenditures are not “treasures in heaven” but rather “treasures on earth”. (Jesus: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth.”) The many non-essentials Little Moses purchases with his (non-Biblical) salary are also “treasures on earth”. (Paul to Timothy: “Having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”)

1 Corinthians 3:15: If anyone’s work is burned, he will SUFFER LOSS.

We will all “suffer loss” but surely those who entrust Little Moses with ten percent of their income will suffer much more loss of rewards than those directed by “the Spirit of truth”. Amen? Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit the judgement seat of Christ will be an embarrassment.

NOTE: Very few write like I write…. because….  I am a New Testament christian, one directed by the teachings and precedents of the New Testament….. and because….  I am unattached to a religion…. and because…. unlike most…. I believe YOU have a calling and a responsibility to preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”.  As such, I invite you to visit my library of books, articles and videos at

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