This is the most important question a christian can ask oneself; one’s eternity will be severely diminished or exceedingly enhanced by one’s response. A NO will result in embarrassment and colossal loss at the judgement seat of Christ. (“He will suffer loss.” 1Cor.3:15) A YES will result in ecstatic rejoicing.
The question is not “Do you love Jesus?” Of course you do. The question is, “Do you love Jesus PRIMARILY (more than any person, more than money, business, hobby, politics)?”
Jesus said to “the church of Ephesus” (read Revelation, chapter 2), “I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” Let’s look at the Amplified: “I have this [one charge to make] against you: that you have left (abandoned) the love that you had at first [you have deserted Me, your first love].” And the CEV: “You don’t have as much love as you used to.” And the GW: “The love you had at first is gone.” And the Phillips: “You do not love as you did at first.”
It seems that Jesus was talking to the ENTIRE church of Ephesus. EVERY Ephesian was backslidden! Every christian?…. how can that be? How could the entire church have abandoned the love for Jesus Christ they once had? This betrayal is a result of christians following christians instead of following Christ. The approval of the group meant more to each Ephesian then the approval of the “head of the church”.
A more relevant question: How many present-day evangelicals have abandoned Jesus Christ as “first love”? My estimate to that question might shock you, so brace yourself. Fifty years of christianity has brought me to this very, very, very sad conclusion: I estimate that Lord Jesus could say to at least ninety-five percent of evangelicals (etcetera) who have been “born of the Spirit” for more than one year, “I have this against you, that you have left your first love.”
I am quick to say that I am NOT suggesting ninety-five percent of evangelicals don’t love Jesus. They certainly do. But Lord Jesus is not loved PRIMARILY. Now that is my opinion, and I am asking that you COMMENT and tell me and other readers your estimate. (Even if you only say two words, like “fifty percent”, or “thirty percent”, or “seventy percent” or “whatever percent”, say something! Okay?)
To get an idea of what percentage of christians love Jesus more than anyone or anything, simply look around. (“He who is spiritual judges all things.” 1Cor.2:15) What do you see? What do you hear? What do you discern?
Jesus said, “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me.” (Jn.14:21) Love is obedience. I repeat, love is obedience. I repeat again, love is obedience. One cannot say they love God if they do not obey God. The more we love Jesus, the more determined we are to obey His words. (“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not do the things which I say?”) Is it safe to conclude that we obey our first love, whoever or whatever that might be?
Those afflicted with a love for money will respond to their lust for more. Those loving their spouse more than Jesus will comply accordingly. Those loving christians more than Christ will follow after christians. And those loving Lord Jesus more than everyone and everything will adhere to His words.
Every child loves his parents but only those who love their parents PRIMARILY will obey them. Again, we can identify our first (primary) love by identifying the one we obey. It is my opinion that as many as ninety-five percent of christians obey traditions of men over New Testament teachings and precedents. Don’t believe me? Consider: Why does almost every evangelical call a man “Pastor”? Calling a man “Pastor” (‘pastor’ means ‘shepherd’) is a tradition of men, not a New Testament teaching?
After discovering Christ as a catholic I refused to call the priest “Father”. (Jesus: “Do not call anyone on earth your father, for One is your Father.”) When I entered evangelicalism – which I mistakenly assumed consisted of Bible-believing christians – I refused to call the man “Pastor”. Jesus is my pastor (shepherd); why would I insult Him by calling a brother Pastor? And yet EVERYONE called someone other than “that great shepherd of the sheep” Pastor!
There is much peer pressure within every religion to conform. (Definition of peer pressure: social pressure by members of one’s peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted.) To not conform is to invite rejection. Rejection is painful, very painful. To avoid pain, to gain acceptance, the evangelical has embraced evangelicalism.
Those who could be defined as an evangelical – those embracing evangelical traditions rather than New Testament teachings and precedents – cannot claim Lord Jesus as “first love”. If those words offend, let them offend!
Regarding traditions of men, Jesus said to the pharisees, “Many such things you do.” Regarding traditions of men, Jesus could say to today’s pulpit-people, “many such things you do and teach.” Evangelical pulpit-people, generally speaking, do not adhere, primarily, to New Testament teachings and precedents. They just don’t. Being called “Pastor” is one example of many whereby they exchange the Bible for tradition. Another is their salary. Another is their control of the powerful pulpit. Another is collection of tithes. And on and on and on. Again, if those words offend, let them offend!
Pew-people (including you?) have been taught “commandments of men” by salaried pulpit-people. You MUST realize that you are who you are because that is what you were made to be. You have been molded by both the word of God and by the word of man.
The church of Ephesus were industrious christians, just like today’s evangelicals. Jesus: “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil.” Jesus: “You have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary.” Jesus could say these same words to most evangelical congregations. But then…. but then…. Jesus said to the Ephesians: “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.”
Evangelical, can you see the church of Ephesus in the churches of your city? Your country? Your family? Yes, there is activity and perseverance, but little Christ. Duty and routine are lord. Much of the accomplishments in your churches are replicated in non-christian churches. Ephesus is proof to the honest evangelical that it is quite possible to do good works while keeping Jesus aloof.
So what’s the answer?
I discovered a long time ago that repentance is the answer to most problems. Jesus to the Ephesians: “Repent.” And Jesus to the “church in Pergamos”: “Repent.” And to “the church in Thyatira”: “Repent.” And to “the church in Sardis”: “Repent.” And to “the church of the Laodiceans”: “Repent.” And to “As many as I love”: “Repent.” Six times…. repent, repent, repent, repent, repent, repent.
Repent of reallocating Lord Jesus from number one to number two or three. Repent of being an evangelical. (Christ never made any person an evangelical.) Repent of following christians instead of Christ. Repent of man-gazing. Repent of adopting “commandments of men”. Repent of allowing others to muzzle you. Repent of financing your religion. Repent of fear of man.
Jesus to the Ephesians: “Remember therefore from where you have fallen.” In order to “have fallen” they must have been higher elevated, right? Their love for Lord Jesus once surpassed their present love. Then Jesus said “Repent and do the first works.” Think back…. what were your “first works”. Did you tell others about Christ? Did you pine for the salvation of loved ones? Did you bubble over with passion for Christ? Did you follow after Him? Did you pray more earnestly?
Perhaps you think that because there are many millions of evangelicals worldwide, SO MANY can’t be wrong. Oh yes they can. Catholicism proves that. So does the church in Ephesus, the church in Galatia (Paul: “Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth?”) and so many church groups over centuries of church history. And consider, if the Armenians (those emphasizing the responsibility of man) are correct, therefore SO MANY Calvinists (those emphasizing the sovereignty of God) are in error. And if the Calvinists are correct SO MANY Armenians are in error. And consider: If the Baptists are correct SO MANY Pentecostals are mistaken. And if the Pentecostals are correct SO MANY Baptists are mistaken. Yes, SO MANY can be (and often are) wrong!
This is the truth we must all rely on: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2Tm.3:16) Suggestion: Solemnly – in the presence of the Father, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit – declare allegiance to Scripture (as you progressively understand it) by signing the last page of your Bible.
NOTE: I invite you to visit my website, If you fully commit yourself to Christ you may be abandoned by the majority who will never fully commit themselves to Christ. I think you will find encouragement and strength in my library of books, articles, and videos available at
And now my precious brother, my precious sister in Christ, I leave you with the most relevant question: IS JESUS YOUR FIRST LOVE?