Little Moses!?  Who is Little Moses!? First let us consider Big Moses….

Big Moses is the Moses of the Bible; he probably wasn’t big in size – people were smaller back then – but gigantic in significance. Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament (the Pentateuch). God used this spiritual heavyweight to release the Israelites from bondage to the Egyptian Pharaoh, Ramses II. And I’m sure you remember Moses stretching his staff to part the Red Sea.

The most significant function of Moses was as God’s chosen MEDIATOR between God and God’s chosen people, the Israelites. Through Moses God gave the Law, known throughout Israel’s history as “the law of Moses”. Even after his death Big Moses remained, through his written decrees, the MEDIATOR between God and God’s people. This was God’s order: GOD——- Moses—— Israel. The reign of Moses as mediator was to come to an end and pass to Another….

About two thousand years ago, the angel Gabriel appeared to a virgin in Nazareth: “You will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.” And also, “Of His kingdom there will be no end.”

Jesus came to establish “a better covenant” than the covenant established by God through Moses. This superior covenant cost Jesus His life. Consider: Through His discharged blood you actually became “the righteousness of God in Him.” Consider: You are “justified by His blood.” Consider: The instant you were “born of the Spirit” you became an “heir[s] of God, and joint heir[s] with Christ.” 1 John 3:1: “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God.”

So two thousand years ago when Jesus cried out from the cross, “It is finished!” and “the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom” the divine order (God—— Moses—— Israel) was changed to God (the Father)—— Jesus—— christian. This is so important!  Jesus: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” God—— Jesus—— christian….. this is now the way, the only way, God relates to people. Understand?

Now the question is: HOW DOES JESUS relate to christians? Jesus is in heaven and we live on earth; how can Jesus relate to us? Very important: Jesus relates to us through the Holy Spirit!

When Jesus left planet earth after completing the Father’s assignment (“I am going to the Father”) He promised, “I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth” who “will guide you into all truth.” And then Jesus said – and this is MOST important! – “He will not speak on His own authority, but WHATEVER HE HEARS He will speak.” The Holy Spirit hears from Jesus, the “head of the church”, and passes it on to us. So….

So the divine order is thus: Jesus—— Holy Spirit—— christian. Jesus has chosen to relate to you through the Holy Spirit. Never forget this! It’s Jesus—— Holy Spirit—— you. Jesus directs your affairs, to the degree you submit (Jesus doesn’t coerce anyone!), through the Holy Spirit. Your christianity will be successful to the degree you embrace this reality, Jesus——Holy Spirit——you. And now we come to Little Moses….

Sadly, very sadly, most born again christians has a Little Moses directing his or her christianity. This Little Moses is a usurper, (usually) a graduate of a denominational seminary or Bible school. He has been placed over you by the denomination that certified him. He is by far the most powerful and influential person in the congregation, having unchallenged control of the powerful pulpit. This brother submits to denominational lords, not to the “Spirit of truth” (and therefore not to Lord Jesus). He competes with the Holy Spirit to be your main influence, and because he coerces and the Holy Spirit never coerces, he is usually the victor.

So now the order that you have been coerced to submit to is thus: denomination—— Little Moses—— you. Little Moses is the MEDIATOR between you and the denomination that validated him. This humanized structure, so prevalent in institutionalized evangelicalism (etcetera), has impaired you considerably. 

We learn verbally and non-verbally. It has been said, “More is caught than taught.” You have been verbally and non-verbally taught to embrace what Jesus called “tradition of men”. (Mark 7:8: “Laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men.”) “Tradition of men”, introduced by a Little Moses stationed in every institutionalized church throughout the world, has seriously impeded the work of God on earth. “Tradition of men” has handicapped you. “Tradition of men” prevents you from bearing “much fruit”. (Jesus: “By this the Father is glorified, that you bear MUCH fruit.”) Yes, you certainly bear good fruit, but that good fruit is seriously limited by your devotion to Little Moses. 

Little Moses has taught you that you belong in the pew, not at a pulpit; God has not ordained you to preach; preaching God’s truths is the responsibility of those controlling various pulpits. You have accepted the slogan, “We can do more together”, and as such, you are doing your part to preserve unity, even though unity has demanded much compromise. You have been taught by Little Moses that your chief responsibility is to finance and otherwise support the ministry of Little Moses. For this service you help pay his non-Biblical salary!

Little Moses does NOT ALLOW you to preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” even outside church walls. Yes, you can give a personal testimony, but not a teaching. Yes, you can hold a Bible study in your home, but only if you use approved material. You are not to be lead individually by the Holy Spirit, but must submit to group consensus, the group having been fashioned by Little Moses. (I am not being exaggerative! And to accentuate this reality, I suggest that you are afraid to click the SHARE and LIKE buttons, and you will not COMMENT, not because Lord Jesus wouldn’t approve, but because Little Moses would disapprove.) The fear of man has gripped your soul. You are in serious spiritual bondage.

Big Moses and Little Moses have nothing in common. Moses of the Bible faithfully communicated the will and words and ways of God; Little Moses effectively communicates what Jesus called “commandments of men”. Big Moses was ordained by God; Little Moses has been ordained by men. God’s endorsement of Big Moses is validated throughout Scripture; Little Moses cannot be found in the Bible.

The Father, His precious Son and the most Holy Spirit have called you to preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” to the world Jesus died for and to His church. You must understand that Jesus wants to set you free and direct the remainder of your life on earth through the Holy Spirit.

So back to the question: WHO IS YOUR LORD, JESUS OR ‘LITTLE MOSES’?

NOTE: I am a “Jesus—— Holy Spirit—— christian” brother-in-Christ and have been for several decades. I have always been cautious to write only as directed by the Holy Spirit. I invite you to visit my library of books, articles and videos at


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