R E M A R K A B L E  ! !

Paul to the Corinthians: “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” The AMPC says it this way: “Pattern yourself after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ.” Question: If the Corinthians were to follow after the example (lifestyle) of Paul whose example should you and I imitate?

If you pattern your christianity after evangelicalism you do not pattern Paul. If Pastor Whoever is your example Paul isn’t. You must thoroughly understand that the one you call “Pastor” does not imitate Paul. Repeat: The pastor of your church DOES NOT imitate Paul. And you must thoroughly understand that if you are not imitating Paul you are not imitating Christ Jesus.

Unlike your Pastor Whoever, Paul never attended a seminary…. Paul was not credentialed…. Paul was not titled…. Paul was not salaried….. Paul did not teach “commandments of men”…. Paul was not attached to a denomination…. Paul did not live in luxury. And….

And unlike Pastor Whoever, Paul never collected tithes…. Paul never paid tithes…. Paul never instructed others to tithe…. Paul never endorsed tithing…. Paul never passed a collection plate…. Paul never built a building…. Paul never lived in luxury…. Paul never took a vacation…. Paul was “not a [financial] burden” to those he ministered to. And….

And unlike salaried pastors, Paul emphasized “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”…. Paul’s “first love” was Jesus…. Paul’s heart was “that I may know Him”…. Paul often referenced the Holy Spirit…. Paul was intent on obeying Christ’s Great Commission…. Paul did not “seek to please men”…. Paul did not “lay up…. treasures on earth”…. Paul earned “the crown of righteousness”.

Isn’t it REMARKABLE (sad) that millions within evangelicalism imitate pastors who are not imitating Jesus?


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