R E M A R K A B L E ! !
Hebrews 13:7 (NKJV): “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive.” A NKJV note gives an alternative to “rule over”…. “leads”. A better rendition: “Obey those who lead, and be submissive.” An obvious question: “Who is my spiritual leader?” There is only one answer: Jesus Christ.
Is Jesus not “head of the church”? (Head: first in rank or position; chief; leading; principal) Is Jesus not the One you call “Lord, Lord”? (Lord: a person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, or ruler) Didn’t the apostles call Jesus, “Master”? (Synonyms: commander, director, manager, ruler) Didn’t Peter call Jesus “the Overseer of your souls”? (Overseer: a person who oversees; supervisor; manager) Is Jesus not “that great Shepherd of the sheep”? (Shepherd: a person who protects, guides, or watches over a person or group of people)
Yet, REMARKABLY, most evangelicals consider a fellow christian their spiritual leader. That’s why they call him “Pastor” (which means shepherd). Some relevant questions: “WHEN did the one you call ‘Pastor’ become your leader?…. WHEN did Pastor Whoever become your pastor?…. WHEN did this man become your teacher?” Answer: Pastor Whoever became your leader/pastor/teacher the very day you MADE him (enthroned him to be) your leader/pastor/teacher. And….
And on that same day Jesus ceased to be your leader/pastor/teacher. (One cannot have two leaders. One cannot have two shepherds. And Jesus said, “Do not be called teachers; for One is your teacher, the Christ.”) So how does one apply Hebrews 13:7?….
Some things must be presumed. The writer of Hebrews assumes that the one “who leads you” is speaking the words of Jesus, the one and only true leader. Amen? Important (very,very very important!): if you have dethroned Jesus as your leader/pastor/teacher, repent (SINCERELY repent) and enthrone Him once again.