R E M A R K A B L E ! !
Question: Does your religion, evangelicalism, take Christ’s Great Commission seriously? Perhaps the answer to this question can be found in your city’s newspapers. Simply buy a daily or weekly paper and scan each page for the precious gospel. Will you find the gospel of Jesus Christ in print?
The opportunity to evangelize, to preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”, to rescue people from “the god of this age”, requires very little effort or imagination or money. Consider: Somebody else publishes the paper…. somebody else delivers the paper house-to-house, store-to-store…. somebody else oversees all the complexities of the newspaper business. The local church only has to invest a minuscule portion of sunday’s collection to reach many thousands of perishing people in its own city (or other cities throughout your country).
Nobody has to go door-to-door with gospel tracts or stand on street corners…. no risk of being ridiculed or verbally abused…. daily schedules won’t be disturbed. Christ’s Great Commission can be obeyed by any congregation (ALMOST EVERY DAY!) at very little inconvenience. Do you think Paul the apostle would have used such a media had it been available? (Hint: “My ambition has been to preach the Gospel, not where Christ has already been known.”)
REMARKABLY you probably will not find the gospel message in your city’s newspapers. The evangelical religion you regularly finance has minuscule interest in reaching the lost for Christ. (Has that indifference been transferred onto you?) The secular world preaches secularism but institutionalized christianity does not preach Christ. This is beyond REMARKABLE; this is SHAMEFUL.
Jesus said to two fishermen, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Without exception, followers of Christ are “fishers of men”. Christians who have lost their passion for rescuing the unsaved are simply not followers of Christ; they are followers of each other. To become, once again, a fisher-of-men you must cease being an evangelical and return to “first love”, the Lord Jesus.
Christ’s Great Commission is your commission; Christ directed it to you and me and every born-again christian. Don’t assume that within your denomination’s hierarchy there are salaried employees engaged in the Great Commission on your behalf. Not so. The bulk of the money you entrust to the supervision of church officers is used to finance the salaries of these church officers! Your generosity is spent, mostly, on “treasures on earth”, not “treasures in heaven”. (Jesus: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth…. but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”) Money Jesus intends for the financing of His Great Commission is regularly and systematically being diverted to finance religion and religionists.
My question to every companion, every acquaintance, every Facebook friend and every person who identifies as Christ’s devotee: WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!? Serious malpractice occurs before all to see, yet no one sees. REMARKABLE. Outrage is not ungodly (Jesus “overturned the tables of the money changers”); indifference is ungodly. Heresy hunters, the punctual fleecing of Christ’s sheep is an obvious and despicable heresy…. WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE!?
You, my brother/sister-in-christ are accountable for you. It isn’t necessary to have the calling of an evangelist to evangelize; financing evangelists is evangelizing. All you have to do is redirect your givings from religion and its religionists to Christ’s Great Commission. The church building won’t deteriorate without your financial support; and if it did, that’s not your problem. Pastor Whoever won’t be forced to take a pay cut; and if he was that’s not your problem.
Hell is real, my brothers and sisters. Hell…. is…. real! Give strong consideration to “the judgement seat of Christ” whereby “we must all appear”. Don’t you realize you must give an account to your Judge (and Lord and Saviour and King and High Priest and Rabbi) for your response to His Great Commission to reach the lost with His gospel? If He will demand a report from anybody He will demand a report from everybody. Everybody includes you, everybody include me, everybody includes everybody.
God bless you!