Article # one: Merf and Mannie

Far or near. Far from Christ or near to Christ. Or somewhere in between.

Positionally, we are equal. The Lord has given everyone everything. We are “heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.” But not so relationally. Whereas our position is determined by Christ, our relationship is determined by Christ and us. It’s the and us part of Christ and us that’s the problem.

Relationally speaking, we each have as much of Christ as we desire. If we wanted less we would have less; if we wanted more we would have more.

No two have the same ‘amount’ of Jesus.

There are a hundred men at a christian business luncheon. Financially, no two are worth the same. A few are wealthy and a few are broke and most are somewhere in-between. The majority is near average, but no two are exactly the same.

Likewise is the value of their relationship with Christ. A few are rich, a few poor and most somewhere in-between. The majority is near average, but no two are exactly the same.

J E S U S : I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit. (John 15:5)

There are degrees of abiding. Abiding implies relationship.

J E S U S : According to your faith let it be to you. (Mat. 9:29)

There are degrees of faith. Faith goes no deeper than relationship.

In this series we compare the christian who walks close to Christ with the one who distances him/herself. How different is his life on earth. How different will be her eternity.

Merf and Mannie will help illustrate far and near. Merf and Mannie are my imaginary friends, a married couple, both inching toward forty, together they run a home business. A flip of the coin tells me Merf will be near and Mannie will be…. well you know, Mannie. Heh-heh.

C h a l l e n g e : “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

P r a y e r : Father, bless this series of articles. Not only because it’s relevant. Not just because it contains a degree of Your perspective. But because I ask it in the name of Jesus. (And hopefully the reader says, “Amen!”)

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