Chapter eight

A.W. Tozer and I will have a one-on-one meeting in heaven. I know this because I asked Lord Jesus to arrange it. (“Ask, and you will receive.”) Though I hold him in high esteem, I won’t be nervous because no one in heaven is nervous.

Keys To the Deeper Life, A.W. Tozer

Chapter 5: Every kind of personal religious project these days is being made an object of prayer. Some of these projects are unscriptural, or at least extrascriptural, and many of them have no higher motive than to relieve the promoter of the unpleasant task of earning an honest living and to enable him to float about the world at the expense of the hard-pressed saints.

Chapter 5: The world situation as God sees it presents two major goals to be reached by praying people, two objects at which to aim our prayers. One is that the glory of God be seen again among men, and the other that the church be delivered from her present Babylonian captivity.

Chapter 5: The second object at which our prayers should be aimed is the restoration of the spiritual life of the church. We must continue to pray that she should cease her disgraceful fornication with the world and return to her first love and her true Lord. Her living has degenerated, her tastes have declined, her standards have sunk to the bottom. Nothing short of a radical reformation can save her. Only those with anointed eyes are able to see her plight and only those with Spirit-filled hearts can intercede for her effectively.

Chapter 5: We must reckon ourselves dead to gain and glory and allow ourselves to become inextricably involved with the cross of Christ and the high honor of God. Then our prayers will be something like this: O God, let Thy glory be revealed once more to men: through me if it please Thee, or without me or apart from me, it matters not. Restore Thy church to the place of moral beauty that becomes her as the Bride of Christ: through me, or apart from me; only let this prayer be answered. O God, honor whom Thou wilt. Let me be used or overlooked or ignored or forgotten.

Chapter 7: The strong emphasis on dispensationalism, for instance, which started out to “rightly divide the word of truth” ended up by creating an army of cookie-cutter believers, all repeating each other without any independent thought and without much need for the illumination of the Spirit.