Chapter ten

A.W. Tozer was both a student and a teacher, a student primarily and a teacher secondarily. That’s the valid order. It makes the 1963 Tozer much more knowledgeable and wiser than the 1919 Tozer. My strong recommendation of his Godly insights – which I hold higher than all other public persons – might imply that I am in agreement with the entirety of his writings. I am not. Mostly, yes. Totally, no. Nor do I assume that he would be in complete agreement with Let…. My…. People…. Go !! Mostly, yes…. I suppose. Totally, no I suppose.

Keys To the Deeper Life, A.W. Tozer

Chapter 7: The emphasis has been away from the “deeper life,” the Spirit-filled life, the life hid with Christ in God. The spiritual content of evangelicalism has been lowered. But, encouragingly, some people are growing discontented and are demanding bread instead of stone. If there are enough of such people and if they speak out, it could mean healthy revival in the church of Christ.

Chapter 7: Too many of us play at Christianity. We wear salvation as a kind of convention badge admitting us into the circle of the elect, but rarely stop to focus our whole lives seriously on God’s claims upon us.

Chapter 7: Throw yourself out recklessly upon God. Give up everything and prepare yourself to surrender even unto death all of your ambitions, plans and possessions. And I mean this quite literally. You should not be satisfied with the mere technical aspect of surrender but press your case upon God in determined prayer until a crisis has taken place within your life and there has been an actual transfer of everything from yourself to God.

Chapter 7: Determine not to defend yourself against detractors and persecutors. Put your reputation in God’s hands and leave it there.

Chapter 7: Although we still condemn worldliness, we have refined it to mean something different from what it meant a generation ago. We are so afraid of being narrow that we have opened our doors to worldliness.

Chapter 7: Rather than be mistaken about the operations of the Spirit, they have chosen to have none of His operations at all. They have allowed themselves to be “dispensationalized” into a state of spiritual vacuity. We must revolt against this Babylonian Captivity. We must have courage to disagree even with big names and famous men.