Chapter twelve
A.W. Tozer died at the age of 66, about 13 years younger than I now am. “Why so young?”, I have often wondered. It seems he literally worked himself to death. Should he have eased up…. and lived longer and bore more good fruit and wrote more books? Hmmm. Perhaps I will ask him when I get up there.
Total Commitment To Christ, A.W. Tozer
Page 4: We who are of the evangelical faith should not preach Christ plus science, or Christ plus philosophy, or Christ plus psychology, or Christ plus education, or Christ plus civilization, or Christ plus anything – but Christ alone and Christ enough.
Page 7: We cannot live by our feelings or on threads of popular notions about Christ. There are a great many false ideas about Christ these days, and we must show them for what they are and then point people to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).
Page 11: If I am going to follow Christ in complete and total commitment, I must do it by a continuous act of my will. Christians who try to live on impulse and inspiration, who hope to sail to heaven over the billowing sea of religious feeling, are making a bad mistake. Christians who live on their feelings and emotion are not living very well and are not going to last very long.
Page 13: Our attachment to the Person of Christ must exclude all that is contrary to Christ. These are the days when we are trying to be 100 percent positive, but the Scripture says of Jesus, You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness (Psalm 45:7). That was said of Jesus Christ Himself, who is higher than the highest heavens and is separate from sinners (Hebrews 7:26). If He had to hate in order to love, so do we.
Page 14: I came to the conclusion a long time ago that I can’t get along with everybody. In an effort to please everybody, you will succeed in pleasing nobody. I don’t want watered-down Christianity. I want to be able to say no. I say no to the devil and no to Kruschev. I say no to the Pope and no to everybody who has anything to say that is contrary to the Lord. I adore Him, and I am attached to Him with an intellectual attachment that is theological, with a volitional attachment that is final, and with an exclusive attachment that would exclude everything that is contrary to Christ.
Total Commitment To Christ is public domain