Chapter fourteen

A.W. Tozer’s God-given insights, and his ability to skillfully articulate those insights, will eternally enrich the one feeding on his writings. Tozer points to Christ. Not to christians. Not to a religion. Not to a cause. Not to a doctrine. Not to men. Not to himself. But to “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

Total Commitment to Christ, A.W. Tozer

Page 1: In the first chapter of Colossians, we read this about Jesus Christ: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church.

Page 2: Before we talk about our union with Christ and our conscious and willing attachment to Christ in total commitment, we must look at who Christ is and what His relation is to the redeemed company we call the Church.

Page 3: The whole Church of God rests upon the shoulders of His Son. I think we might be able to go around the world and simply cry, “Christ is enough!” Yes – Jesus Christ is enough.

Page 3: There is a weakness among us in evangelical circles; we put a plus sign after Christ. We have Christ plus something else. It is always the pluses that ruin our spiritual lives personally, and it is always the additions that weaken the Church.

Page 5: Our relation to Him is all that matters. A true Christian faith is an attachment – a devotion – to the person of Christ.

Page 14: I don’t believe anyone can love until he is able to hate. I don’t think that anyone can love God unless he hates evil. I don’t think he can love righteousness unless he hates sin.

Page 22: We are to be joined to Jesus Christ, intelligently joined by knowing who He is. We are to be volitionally joined to Him and not try to live on our feelings, although thank God, there will be a lot of feeling going on with it! We are to be exclusively attached, excluding everything that is contrary to Him. We are to be inclusively attached, taking in everything that He surrounds Himself with. We are to be irrevocably attached, being expendable and not going back. Are you committed to Christ?