In the days of Pharaoh God’s people were the “children of Israel”; today God’s people are adopted, blood-washed, born-again saints whose names are recorded in “the book of life”. Most of these saints are under the supervision of licensed and salaried evangelical pastors.
The children of Israel did not serve God; they served Pharaoh. Evangelicals do not serve God; they serve evangelical leadership. As Moses challenged Pharaoh’s right to rule, I challenge Pastor Whoever’s right to rule. (More accurately, God through Moses challenged Pharaoh and Christ through Larry Jones challenges evangelical leadership.)
Evangelicalism is a religion. Religion ( a “set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects”, and “often containing amoral code[s] governing the conduct of human affairs”. My definition of religion: “a set of ‘commandments and doctrines of men’ (Col.2:22)”. Another definition: “Bible-plus”. And another: “Bible-minus”.
When Lord Jesus said on that memorable day, “It is finished!” the only true religion (“the law of Moses”) came to an end and He never initiated another. Lord Jesus has no interest in tweaking any religion birthed of man’s need to do something. Evangelicalism is the chief religion of Christ’s church-on-earth and competes, quite successfully, for the affection and loyalty of His saints. A return from the lordship of man to the lordship of Christ must be preceded by a disgust for religion (and I will do my best to generate that repulsion).
This book confronts evangelical religionists: “Let [Christ’s] people go, that they may serve [Him].” A fair challenge from you to me: “What are your qualifications for challenging a religion endorsed by millions of local pastors and every public heavyweight?” My response….
I have been a christian for fifty plus years. The fact that I never attended seminary or Bible college does not make me less qualified but more so. (Evangelical schooling produces disciples of evangelicalism, not disciples of Jesus Christ.) Another qualification: Unlike all your peers (and all other christian associates?) I am not attached to a religion, directly or indirectly. And another: Jesus is my “first love”.
Paul to the Corinthians: “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge.” The Phillips says it this way: “Don’t have more than two or three preachers [and let] the others think over what has been said.”
That’s what you want from your audiences, isn’t it? You simply want them to evaluate your sermons. For many years I have appraised your evangelical teachings and now it’s your turn to asses my non-evangelical teaching.
Let it be fully understood that though Let…. My…. People…. Go !! is directed to the entire evangelical leadership, every christian that can be defined as an evangelical will be greatly enriched by truths embodied in these pages. Nonetheless, I address my opinions, observations and remarks to every salaried pastor of every evangelical denomination, to every (so-called) reverend and to every denominational officer throughout the vast worldwide realm of evangelicalism.
I do not (dare not!) pass judgement on religionists, but only the religionist’s religion. That does not mean I will soften my “hard saying[s]”. You are going to hear things you have never heard before in explicit and straightforward speech.
Although I ache for your freedom and urge you to return to your “first love”, you are not my chief concern. You are quite secondary to the multitudes of (what I call) pew-people, the millions upon millions whom you have coerced to adopt various “commandments of men”. And my concern for (the so-called) laity is secondary to that of the damned, those right now travelling on that “way that leads to [everlasting] destruction” – those at the mercy of evangelicals, most of whom are keeping the good news of Christ’s salvation to themselves.
This analysis of the religion you caress so lovingly just might result in multitudes being redirected from eternal agony to eternal elation.
Perhaps it will cause you to recall Christ’s mostly-forgotten Great Commission. Jesus says to you the same words He long ago directed to two fishermen, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Evangelicalism is Christ’s enemy and you are this religion’s ambassadors. Your doctrines restrict and incapacitate those you influence. Jesus: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Do you have the necessary courage to listen, to evaluate, to challenge your beloved traditions? If so, you are rare. If so, brace yourselves for ill-treatment from your peers who do not have “ears to hear”. And if so….
If so, Jesus will once again become your “first love”. He promises you will bear “much [not little] fruit”. You will lay up an abundance of “treasures in heaven”. You will become “fishers of men”. The judgment seat of Christ will not be an embarrassment. There will be an increase of every good thing, including “the fruit of the Spirit”, humility, understanding and wisdom.
A.W. Tozer
To add impact to Let…. My…. People…. Go!! I will feature A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) in every other chapter, up to and including chapter 28.
Every even chapter (2, 4, 6, 8, etcetera) will contain standalone, robust
excerpts from several of his books – writings that have dramatically enhanced the christianity of myriads.
A.W. Tozer saw what I see. His ability to enunciate the flaws of evangelicalism far surpass mine. (I suppose I am somewhere between one-tenth Tozer and one-fifth Tozer.) Since Tozer was an evangelical pastor of evangelical churches and wrote and spoke to enormous evangelical audiences, perhaps readers will be more persuaded by a reputable insider than an unknown outsider.
Wayne Jacobsen
Wayne is a seventy-year old ex-pastor whose writings will answer many of the silent questions that must be tumbling around in your insides.
Perhaps all you pastors can identify with his frustrations leading to him becoming an ex.
You can become acquainted with Wayne’s heart and insights through his podcast He has authored and co-authored several books (including The Shack), and the one I highlighted in my book is Finding Church. I wish every born-again, blood-washed saint would read Finding Church. Chapters 30, 32, 34 and 36 are short chapters featuring pithy standalone excerpts/quotations.
Please Note….
*** Of necessity, I write in generalities. This book is directed to the fullness of evangelical leadership, and not every perspective, which I assess to be true of the majority (average, typical), is true of all.
*** Except as otherwise noted, Bible quotations in the odd-numbered chapters are from the NKJV. To locate the verse of any quotation, use a searchable online Bible (such as Bible Gateway).
Front cover drawing: Bethany Kumor Formatting: Emily Hill
“The Son of Man must be lifted up”