Chapter eighteen
A.W. Tozer lived a christianity more successful than most. Though having succumbed to heart failure sixty years ago, his easily accessible writings still edify millions. What is the secret to his “much fruit” garnered from several generations and nations? Answer: Relationship, relationship, relationship. (Jesus: “He who abides in Me…. bears much fruit.”)
Man – The Dwelling Place of God, A.W. Tozer
Chapter 23: If the spiritual view of the world is the correct one, as Christianity boldly asserts that it is, then for every one of us heaven is more important than earth and eternity more important than time. If Jesus Christ is who He claimed to be; if He is what the glorious company of the apostles and the noble army of martyrs declared that He is; if the faith which the holy church throughout all the world doth acknowledge is the true faith of God, then no man has any right to dedicate his life to anything that can burn or rust or rot or die. No man has any right to give himself completely to anyone but Christ nor to anything but prayer.
Chapter 23: The man who believes he was created to enjoy the fleshly pleasures will devote himself to pleasure seeking; and if by a combination of favorable circumstances he manages to get a lot of fun out of his life, his pleasures will turn to ashes in his mouth at the last. He will find out too late that God made him too noble to be satisfied with those tawdry pleasures he had devoted his life to here under the sun.
Chapter 24: After more than thirty years of observing the religious scene I have been forced to conclude that saintliness and church leadership are not often synonymous.
Chapter 24: Were the church a pure and Spirit-filled body, wholly led and directed by spiritual considerations, certainly the purest and the saintliest men and women would be the ones most appreciated and most honored; but the opposite is true.
Chapter 24: The noisy, the self-assertive, the entertaining are sought after and rewarded in every way, with gifts, crowds, offerings and publicity. The Christ-like, the self-forgetting, the other-worldly are jostled aside.
Chapter 24: The whole short-sighted philosophy that ignores eternal qualities and majors on trivialities is a form of unbelief. These Christians who embody such a philosophy are clamoring after present reward; they are too impatient to wait the Lord’s time.