Chapter twenty
A.W. Tozer admired Paul greatly. Actually, the two had much in common. Both hungered for more of Jesus (“That I may know Him”)…. both bore much fruit (“By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit”)…. both were very bold…. both are now in heaven both await “the judgment seat of Christ”.
Man – The Dwelling Place of God, A.W. Tozer
Chapter 25: I don’t know about you, but the only way I can keep right with God is to keep contrite, to keep a sense of contrition upon my spirit.
Chapter 26: Let a man question the inspiration of the Scriptures and a curious, even monstrous, inversion takes place: thereafter he judges the Word instead of letting the Word judge him; he determines what the Word should teach instead of permitting it to determine what he should believe; he edits, amends, strikes out, adds at his pleasure; but always he sits above the Word and makes it amenable to him instead of kneeling before God and becoming amenable to the Word.
Chapter 27: When pleasing men means displeasing God it is an unqualified evil and should have no place in the Christian’s heart. To be right with God has often meant to be in trouble with men. This is such a common truth that one hesitates to mention it, yet it appears to have been overlooked by the majority of Christians today.
Chapter 27: All great Christian leaders have been dogmatic. To such men two plus two made four. Anyone who insisted upon denying it or suspending judgement upon it was summarily dismissed as frivolous. They were only interested in a meeting of minds if the minds agreed to meet on holy ground.
Chapter 29: Christless Christianity sounds contradictory but it exists as a real phenomenon in our day. Much that is being done in Christ’s name is false to Christ in that it is conceived by the flesh, incorporates fleshly methods, and seeks fleshly ends. Christ mentioned from time to time in the same way and for the same reason that a self-seeking politician mentions Lincoln and the flag, to provide a sacred front for carnal activities and to deceive the simplehearted listeners. This giveaway is that Christ is not central: He is not all and in all.