Chapter thirty-six

Wayne Jacobsen: “We are also connecting with an ever-growing group of people in this area who are living outside the box of organized religion and are learning to share a journey of faith without all the institutional politics. We don’t claim to see more than a few steps down the road. We want to follow the Lord’s call on our lives however he leads us and not seek to grasp anything for ourselves.”

Finding Church, Wayne Jacobsen

Chapter 2: History shows us that no group structure can successfully reflect the life of Jesus’ church for very long. It happens subtly but, over time, people end up serving the structure. They become dependant on it, instead of following him. In the end, however, no creed, ritual, or structure can contain the church Jesus is building.

Chapter 2: How well would we love each other and the people around us if we no longer had divisive institutions separating us or exhausting us with their meetings and activities? I am convinced love will do far more to unfold the kingdom of God on earth than any project or outreach would devise. The church Jesus is building is the one you’ve been longing for and that is why the human version has been so frustrating. I hope this book provides a catalyst for the conversation the church desperately needs if we’re going to reflect his glory in the world.

Chapter 3: Though it took many years, in the end it won out when I stopped embracing Christianity as a religion of rituals and rules and started embracing Christ himself.

Chapter 3: Gossip and conflict divided people, and most of those who aspired to lead us during those various groups evidenced serious character flaws leading to sordid affairs, both sexual and financial. I found it disheartening that one could know so much about Jesus without being shaped by his life.

Chapter 3: We talked about being a family, but real relationships were undermined by a controlling system that encouraged people to follow the pastor instead of following Jesus.

Chapter 1: Those who knew Jesus best around me had no desire to create institutions or set themselves up as its leaders.

Quoted by permission of Lifestream ( Finding Church:

My Library of books, articles and videos:

BOOKS (copy and paste)

*** A Catholic No More

*** Financing the Great Commission the-great-commission/

*** The Way It Is

*** Pulpit Power: A pastor, a plumber, a pulpit // power/

*** Another Ninety-five: Another 95 theses for another reformation

***Dear Bill: An open letter to Bill Johnson of Bethel Church

VIDEOS (copy and paste)

*** Like Really?

SERIES OF ARTICLES (copy and paste)

*** They Don’t Want Him

*** Far and Near

*** Vines and Branches

*** 333 Words

*** Dear Pastor Whoever

*** Remarkable!!

*** No Comment?

*** So You Want To Start A House Church you-want-to-start-a-house-church/

*** Dear FB Friends

*** Leave or Stay?

SINGULAR ARTICLES (copy and paste)

*** Hello Jesus Image

*** My Testimony star/

*** November 14, 2022 windsor-star/

*** Beware of Controllers

THE MAIN ISSUE: Newspaper (copy and paste)

*** Evolution vs Creation

*** Jehovahs Witnesses: Christian Or Cult 2-jehovahs-witnesses-christian-or-cult/

*** The Bible: Just Another Book? bible-just-another-book/

*** Heaven and Hell

*** Christ The Healer

*** Two Kingdoms

*** Christianity vs Religion vs-religion/

*** Heroes of the Faith faith/

*** You…. In Perspective perspective/

*** Jesus Christ: King of Kings and Lord of Lords lords/

List of Tozer Books

*** Born after Midnight

*** God Tells the Man Who Cares

*** How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit

*** I Call It Heresy!

*** Man: The Dwelling Place of God

*** The Pursuit of God

*** That Incredible Christian

*** This World: Playground or Battleground?

*** Who Put Jesus on the Cross?

List of Wayne Jacobsen Books

*** He Loves Me!

*** The Naked Church

*** Beyond Sundays

*** A Passion for God’s Presence

*** Finding Church

*** Tales of the Vine

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