Chapter two

A.W. Tozer will be featured every second chapter of Let…. My…. People Go !!, chapters 2, 4, 6, 8, etcetera, up to and including chapter 28. This precious brother was born in 1897 in Pennsylvania, USA and born the second time in 1915. His earth years ended in 1963. His many books are still available because they are relevant and challenging to all generations. Suggestion: read and heed, read and heed, read and heed.

Keys To the Deeper Life, A.W. Tozer

Chapter 1: An unofficial hierarchy decided what Christians are to believe. Not the Scriptures, but what the scribe thought the Scriptures meant became the Christian creed. Christian colleges, seminaries, Bible institutes, Bible conferences, popular Bible expositors all joined to promote the cult of textualism.

Chapter 1: The result over the last 20 years has been a religious debauch hardly equaled since Israel worshiped the golden calf. Of us Bible Christians it may truthfully be said that we “sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.”

Chapter 1: Religious leaders have adopted the techniques of the advertisers: boasting, baiting, and shameless exaggerating are now carried on as a normal procedure in church work.

Chapter 1: We must cleanse the temple of the hucksters and the money changers and come fully under the authority of our risen Lord once more.

Chapter 1: If we are alert enough to hear God’s voice we must not content ourselves with merely “believing” it . . . Commands are to be obeyed.

Chapter 2: Significant, isn’t it, that of all who hold the evangelical position, those Christians who lay the greatest store by Paul are often the least Pauline in spirit. There is a vast and important difference between a Pauline creed and a Pauline life.

Chapter 2: Tens of thousands of believers who pride themselves on their understanding of Romans and Ephesians cannot conceal the sharp spiritual contradiction that exists between their hearts and the heart of Paul.

Taken from Keys To the Deeper Life by A.W. Tozer Copyright © 1957, 1984 by Creation House. Used by permission of HarperCollins Christian Publishing.