Chapter four
A.W. Tozer’s written words, if regularly supped, will draw you closer to our Lord Jesus. You will be stronger, healthier and more fruitful than the one who feeds on words that exalt christians rather than Christ and/or those whose commitment to Lord Jesus is less entire than this brother. Seriously.
Keys To the Deeper Life, A.W. Tozer
Chapter 1: It is my considered opinion that under the present circumstances we do not want revival at all. A widespread revival of the kind of Christianity we know today in America might prove to be a moral tragedy from which we would not recover in a hundred years.
Chapter 2: It is not intellectual knowledge about God that quenches man’s ancient heart-thirst, but the very Person and Presence of God Himself. These come to us through Christian doctrine, but they are more than doctrine. Christian truth is designed to lead us to God, not to serve as a substitute for God.
Chapter 2: We should press on to enjoy in personal inward experience the exalted privileges that are ours in Christ Jesus; that we should insist upon tasting the sweetness of internal worship in spirit as well as in truth; that to reach this ideal we should if necessary push beyond our contented brethren and bring upon ourselves whatever opposition may follow as a result.
Chapter 2: The quality of evangelical Christianity must be greatly improved.
Chapter 2: If… your soul cries out to God, for the living God, and your dry and empty heart despairs of living a normal Christian life… then I ask you: Is your desire all absorbing? Is it the biggest thing in your life?… If your heart cries “Yes” to the questions you may be on your way to a spiritual breakthrough that will transform your whole life.
Chapter 3: For some time it has been evident that we evangelicals have been failing to avail ourselves of the deeper riches of grace that lie in the purposes of God for us. As a consequence, we have been suffering greatly, even tragically.
Chapter 3: Religious work can be done by natural men without the gifts of the Spirit, and it can be done well and skillfully. But work designed for eternity can only be done by the eternal Spirit. No work has eternity in it unless it is done by the Spirit through gifts.