Chapter eighteen
Second issue, “Jehovah’s Witnesses: Christian or Cult?” More people asked for extra copies of this 16 page paper than all others. So many have parents or children or siblings ensnared by that religion.
In this publication I exposed the checkered history of the Watchtower Society from its inception, spoke of its many false prophecies, included testimonies of those that escaped its iron grip, compared its doctrines with New Testament teachings. I am convinced anyone reading this issue would be protected from this cult…. at least for a while.
I wrote an article, “Husbands Beware”….
It could never happen to me!, you say. My wife is too smart to fall for anything the Jehovah’s Witnesses have to offer. There’s no way she would ever get caught up in their religion. And so what if she did? What harm could a little religion do?
Husbands beware!
Of course every member of the family is susceptible – husbands, children, grandparents, etc. But it seems that the wife, the one left alone in the home most often, is more so. Many husbands have lost their wives, and subsequently their children, to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Brooklyn, New York. You think it can’t happen to you? Think again. It has happened to husbands all over the world. How they wish they would have put a stop to it while they still could.
You leave the house for work. A few hours later, Ding Dong. Oh your wife has a visitor. I wonder who it could be. “Good morning Mrs. Jackson (nice teethy smile). It’s just me again making my rounds. Ha ha. Isn’t it amazing what’s been happening in Eastern Europe since the last time I was here? Your neighbour, Mrs. Gray, was telling me she hopes all this will lead to world peace. Do you think we will ever see a time when we can all live in harmony with one another? In this magazine that I have here, it tells of a real hope for peace whereby God’s faithful followers will all be able to live together in peace. Don’t you long for such a world, Mrs. Jackson?”
Yes, I know. Your wife told the JW that she really wasn’t interested. But did you notice she didn’t sound as emphatic as she once was. Now just suppose you went to a meeting every week just for the purpose of learning how to ‘get through’ to people just like your wife. You would get pretty good at it, wouldn’t you? Well some of the people that knock on your door have been in training for many years. They know how to drop a provoking word, when to back off, when to press a point, spot a weakness, ask the right question.
And keep in mind they have been coming to your wife for years. They have become familiar. They are not the threat they once were. Their persistence pays off. Your wife, over the years, listens more attentively although she pretends not to. She really does long for peace – in the world, in her country, in her soul. Perhaps, she reasons, these JWs really have the answer…. maybe it wouldn’t hurt to listen to what they have to say…. perhaps some day I will take them up on their offer of a Bible study in my home…. what harm could it do?
A jw phoned asking for extra copies of “Jehovah’s Witnesses: Christian or Cult”, saying he was leaving Kelowna in the morning and could he please pick up the papers at my house tonight; he wanted to give copies to the elders back home. No, I replied, nobody comes to my house; I didn’t want any tension disturbing our family haven. But after he assured me he wouldn’t be contentious, just wanted to pick up the papers, I relented.
He was in our house, standing near the door, extra copies of The Main Issue now in his possession when he said, “What kind of an animal are you?” Ouch! That gentleman, maybe 5-10 years my senior, is quite possibly at this very moment suffering indescribable torment in a place he was assured doesn’t exist.
You must understand that there was a time when he was not a jw. He wasn’t and then he was. Apparently they got to him before introduced to the gospel of Christ. People must know before that knock on the door the awful truth of that cult. Once ensnared, the chance of escape is less than that of a catholic escaping catholicism, a mormon escaping mormonism, and yes, an evangelical escaping evangelicalism.
Their power is in their perseverance. They just don’t stop knocking. And hot or cold, they are standing on the corner, Awake! magazine in hand. Christians know that almost every day of the week Jehovah witnesses are preaching their fraudulent gospel to their city. And what do the Kelowna churches do about it? Nothing.
Nothing, nothing, nothing!!
Bill, can I assume your Redding, California churches also do nothing, nothing, nothing?
Kelowna (and Redding?) and perhaps most other cities throughout the world have no defence whatever against this salvation-by-works gospel that denies the deity of our Lord Jesus and the very existence of the Holy Spirit. Why is that?
It is ongoing spiritual coercion that motivates the jw; it is intimacy that empowers the christian. Eroding that intimacy not only diminishes the christian’s power but also compassion and every good thing. This is what I am saying: That erosion transpires, unintentionally and undetected, during every sunday morning service. To me, that’s a viable explanation as to why Jesus-and-us christians don’t see, don’t know, don’t care.