Chapter twenty-eight

Perhaps, my brother-in-Christ, this is a good time to recapitulate the purpose and theme of this letter/book. I am of the opinion that what I say is utter simplicity and biblical. I am not an Adder and I am not a Subtracter. I do not confront religionists (“Judge not, that you be not judged.”) but I do confront debilitating “tradition[s] of men”. I advocate a Christ-centred, Jesus-and-me christianity, a life surrendered to the direct governance of the most Holy Spirit, and complete adherence to the New Testament.

I do not attempt reformation of institutional churches; Jesus has no such interest. I speak repentance and reformation to individual christians. The evangelical cannot sing, “On Christ the solid rock I stand” simply because he/she doesn’t. He stands on Christ ANDhis religion, the “solid rock” AND“sinking sand”.

My life is so different than yours and most…. no sunday service…. no collection plate…. no Pastor Whoever…. no team players…. no wednesday night bible study…. no pulpit…. no awful evangelical tithe…. no pews…. no hymnal…. no choir…. no church bulletin…. no home church…. no men’s saturday morning breakfast…. no church politics…. no two-tiered christianity…. no building program…. no board of elders…. no reverends…. no laymen…. no denomination…. no baptists…. no pentecostals…. no hierarchy…. no membership…. no church family…. no secretary…. no janitor…. no church mortgage…. no can’t-talk rule…. no speaking in code…. no program.

Does my christianity remind you of anyone? Paul perhaps? Timothy? The corinthians? Peter or John? Every New Testament saint?

I am trying to convince you that my way is better than your way, that building on the bible is better than building on bible plus. Much better. That is why I tell you of my Holy Spirit assignments. The Holy Spirit assigns those submitted to the lordship of Christ, yes even nobodies like me. If you detect brag in me you discern amiss. (That is, I hope you discern amiss. Few things I fear more than pride.) The One who said, “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” also said, “Let your light so shine before men.” Only the Holy Spirit can safely navigate us through our christianity. So with that, I tell of my next assignment….