Chapter thirty-three

Almost finished, my brother-in-Christ Jesus. Hope I’m not boring you.

This letter is about JESUS…. HOLY SPIRIT…. CHRISTIAN vs. JESUS…. HOLY SPIRIT…. LITTLE MOSES…. CHRISTIAN. After this chapter, I rest my case.

Learning to live by the Holy Spirit begins with a decision. After the decision the apprenticeship begins. Self-rule must go, and self ain’t easy to dethrone. It can take years.

Men are builders. Women are too, but men more so. We like to build things. I am convinced all christianized religions are the product of this itch to do, to accomplish, to build, to conquer. Every religion, small and large, was birthed from carnality with the help of you-know-who. God gives His people grace and we spend that grace as we so decide, exercising the free will God gave us. His people misspend regularly. That’s why….

That’s why I don’t trust me and I don’t trust you and I don’t trust him, her or them. I try, really try, to trust the Father and His precious Son, but in that I often fail. I believe the bible is God’s book to us, but that confidence has not fully slid from head to heart. “Help me, Jesus!”

I believe that if typical evangelical would remove Little Moses from his life he would no longer be an evangelical. Perhaps he would be a Peter or a Paul or a John or a Stephen. Perhaps he would be a Tozer or a Murray or a Blessit. Perhaps he would be a Richard.

The majority, even the vast majority, can be wrong. Remember lonely Joshua and Caleb. Jesus wants us to trust Him not them, His words not their words.

And so I continue my report, my JESUS…. HOLY SPIRIT…. LARRY JONES account of my christianity….

I produced a folded tract that I had delivered through the Kelowna Courier newspaper. I appealed to the evangelical to spend his/her own money rather than trust others to spend on their behalf. I suggested the reader open his/her own Jesus Account as a first step in managing one’s own financial giving: “Since Jesus is your Lord (He is your Lord, right?), why not ask Him about your very own JESUS ACCOUNT?”

In my tract I compared the Mosaic tithe to the awful evangelical tithe….

The Mosaic tithe was established by God and directed to the Israelites; the awful evangelical tithe was established by evangelicals and directed to evangelicals.

Regarding God’s tithe, money was not accepted; regarding the evangelical tithe only money is accepted. In the first tithe, income was not tithed; in the second, all income is tithed.

The Mosaic tithe is well-documented; the awful evangelical tithe cannot be found in the bible.

Typical evangelical assumes the ten percent they give is a biblical requirement. This is what the salaried imply. The evangelical tithe is nothing less than christianized embezzlement.

In this tract I shared the vision of William Booth (1829-1912):

“I saw a dark and stormy ocean…. multitudes of human beings…. shrieking and cursing and struggling and drowning.” [Booth was puzzled because christians] “did not seem to have any care, that is, any agonizing care about the poor perishing ones who were struggling and drowning right before their eyes.”

Of course, I included in the tract the gospel of Jesus Christ: “Perhaps you think life ceases at death. Heaven?…. just a myth. Hell? …. an invention of Christians to scare you into their faith. And yet…. and yet the Bible clearly attests to a wondrous eternal heaven and a horrifying eternal hell. Will you pit your notions against the Bible? Good luck.” [Etcetera, etcetera.]

We are each called by our Lord Jesus to preach, both privately and publicly, to His church and to the world He died for. We preach to each other and we preach to strangers. We preach while slurping coffee at Starbucks and we preach over social media. If we are faithful the Lord Jesus just might set a microphone before us. We must not (must not!) be ashamed of our Jesus and His great salvation.

I am of the opinion the Lord will use us increasingly as we prove ourselves faithful. Assignments will be designated, one after the other after the other. Though there may be gaps, even lengthy gaps, between assignments, Jesus will not ‘put the brakes on’ until we have finished our course. Speaking of assignments….

The last assignment Jesus gave me is going to unfold throughout the remainder of my days on earth, or so I assume….

I never sought after a publisher for my books, videos and articles simply because the Holy Spirit did not so direct. (More accurately, Jesus did not so direct me through the Spirit He sent to guide me through my christianity.) A few years ago, I felt lead to pray about the matter. Is there a publisher out there that would dare publish my challenge to evangelicals and evangelicalism?

I felt the Lord tell me to take my huge website – where I display my library of books and articles and videos – to the nations in all major languages. And that is what I am in the process of doing.

My first language is english, the second will be spanish and after that as the Holy Spirit so directs.

I am in the process of producing a cartoon video to point christians to my website. I pay (from my Jesus Account) for advertisement through social media. So far I reach about ten nations every day.

I am of the opinion that if I can remove Little Moses from just one evangelical’s christianity…. and influence that evangelical to repent of man-worship…. and recommit his/her life to Jesus Christ…. and submit to the governance of the Holy Spirit…. and sign the last page of the bible as a declaration to always choose the bible over evangelical edicts, that person will bear “much fruit” to the glory of the Father, and that “much fruit” will include a huge net-full of people saved from an eternity of remorse and anguish, and ushered into an eternity of indescribable joy.