Dear Bill
Chapter thirty-four
This chapter is the end of the longest letter I have ever written. (And the longest letter you have received?)
I think I have been faithful to the “head of the church”. I have prayed, I tried to be lead by the Holy Spirit, I think I was candid without being disrespectful. And I have been cautious to stay within the perimeters of New Testament teachings and examples, as one who must one day give an account.
Why this letter? As I previously said, that is not my business. I am fully convinced our Lord Jesus used this Ain’t Much to relay a message, and what you do with it is between you and the one we both call, “Lord,Lord”.
Before closing, may I share a thought that has been rolling around in my quite modest upper chamber?….
About three or four years ago I remember you saying, on more than one occasion, that “the next move of God” was going to be so unusual most would reject it. Do you remember saying that? Has that transpired?
Could it possibly be that “the next move of God” will be Jesus spawning and releasing thousands of Jesus-and-me christians, each sensitive to the most Holy Spirit, to shoulder His mostly abandoned Great Commission?
Does our Lord Jesus want to set His people free from religious tyranny? Does Jesus want to eject every Little Moses from every congregation in every city in every nation, replacing them with the Holy Spirit? Perhaps Jesus will put an end to christianized embezzlement, the fleecing of His precious sheep.
Does Lord Jesus want to rule individually the people He died for individually and will soon judge individually at the judgement seat? No more calendar christianity. No more institutionalism. No subjugated tagalongs. But rather….
But rather an army of Jesus-and-me preachers, bold and diligent and obedient, taking the life-giving gospel to every nook and cranny of the globe. In this army, unlike every other, the Chief Executive deals with each enlisted soldier directly via His Spirit instead of through a hierarchy of subordinate officers, as evidenced by “signs and wonders and mighty deeds”.
In this army the banner “We can do more together” has been shredded and replaced by another banner, “Christ and I are an overwhelming majority”.
“Now may the God of peace, who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.”
Larry Jones