Article # one: Intro

There is something wrong.

The born-again experience should initiate a fruitful christian lifestyle. The babe in Christ should soon become an adult warrior. Childhood is something to be passed through. The intended outcome of the newborn is an adult, a woman or a man, mature and able. Paul was such a man.

Paul was a man. Though threatened, stoned, beaten and incarcerated, he did his job, finished his course, and did so without whining. He never pampered himself. A man keeps his body in submission.

Paul was a man. He lived fully. There was zest in that soul. Though bruised, he conquered. Though rejected, he preached. He was faithful.

Is there someone akin to Paul in your christian community? Look around. Do you see spiritual men or sucklings? Women or wimps? Soldiers or civilians? Are the faithful or the careless the majority?

There is something wrong. Seriously wrong. Can’t you see it?

Miracles occur elsewhere. Sick christians become dead christians. T.V. “is the opium of the people.” The prayer closet is a storage room, god comfort is king, the preacher’s well is dry, the lost stay lost. What is wrong?

I think I know.

“They don’t want Him! They don’t want Him!”

Let me explain.

I was talking to a family friend – well, truthfully, I was talking at a family friend – my mouth was motoring pretty good, saying stuff like, “What is missing in the church is none other than Jesus Christ.” And, “I call Him The Forgotten One.” Etc.

She is a seasoned christian, this family friend, classy, her speech layered with grace, certainly not radical or opinionated. Had I gone too far, said too much? And then she responded:

“They don’t want Him! They don’t want Him!”

That’s all she said. What is she talking about? Who is Him? Who are they? Perhaps she hadn’t been hearing me. Days later – yes, days later – I got it.

Him is Jesus Christ. They are christians (yes, the born-again type, the only kind there is). Wow! Even I had never said, or even thought, something so extreme. But she was right! “They don’t want Him!” is both the problem and the bottom line within evangelicalism and beyond.

I would add one word to “They don’t want Him!” Enough. They want Christ, but not enough.

Enough for what? Enough to seat Him on the throne of their lives.

But again, who are they?

First, they are not everyone. Some, praise the Lord!, want Him….. enough. Who love Christ more than life. Who is their life.

But they are definitely the majority. They are Joe and Jill Average Christian, family and friends, acquaintances and customers. They attend church, don’t swear or smoke or spit, and don’t hang with those who smoke and swear and spit.

They are the lukewarm, the spiritual sleepy, less than conquerors. For sure, they are as in as the fervent….. in God’s grace, in the family, in the book of life. As the faithful, they are never ignored by the Lord.

But life is a travesty. Not only will they – I am speaking of the majority! – miss their destiny, their high calling, they won’t even know, this side of heaven, what that destiny is. I think there are multitudes in heaven who would trade they places, consider it a privilege to enter once more the battle zone for men’s souls. You see, up there there is only fervency.

There is something wrong, and that something is a lack of want for our beautiful Jesus. The answer is conversion – again. The answer is not ahead – some experience not yet had or teaching not yet heard – but behind, an altar once a dwelling place, a fervor once kept. We know a viable relationship with Jesus is attainable because we once attained it. He was the center and can be again.

Thus this series of articles. (Thus this website.)

C h a l l e n g e : Perhaps you are fervent or perhaps you are not. No matter who you are, there is more. If your life is worth a hundred dollars it could be worth a thousand. If it’s worth a thousand it could be worth a million. Christian, there is more. In Christ (with Christ, by Christ), there is more. You can run and complete, influence and conquer, gain and win. In Christ. Only in Christ.

P r a y e r : Holy Spirit, words fall ineffectual to the ground without Your unction. To the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, anoint the truths of this message. To Him be all praise. (And hopefully the reader says, “Amen!”)

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