333 WORDS….

Mature: Complete in natural growth and development.

Immature: Not mature. Emotionally undeveloped. Juvenile.

All of us could be categorized as immature because we never fully develop. And yet some are further down the road than others, having evolved into more than kids in stretched skin. These we consider mature. Now let’s look at….

Spiritual maturity: Complete in spiritual growth and development.

Spiritual immaturity: Not mature. Spiritually undeveloped. Juvenile.

Same thing. No one fully develops spiritually, and yet some have progressed more than most. These we consider spiritually mature.

Now let’s compare….

The immature say prayers; the mature touch God.

The prayers of one are measured in minutes, the other in hours.

One speaks religion, the other speaks Christ.

One is yoked with whoever; the other is yoked with Lord Jesus.

One follows christians; one follows Christ.

One says “May I?” to man, something the mature would never do.

The one calls Jesus “Lord, Lord” though He isn’t. The other calls Him “Lord, Lord” because He is. (Jesus: “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?”)

The immature are easily impressed by the gifted; the mature are impressed by the gift-giver.

The spiritual juvenile is laying up treasures on earth, the other in heaven.

One is easily distracted; the other disallows distractions.

One mostly considers the here and now, the other the there and later.

While one immerses in human perspectives, the other soaks in the Bible.

One is political, one isn’t.

One grudgingly tithes; the other is directed by Jesus via the Holy Spirit.