333 WORDS….

There is a much better anti-depressant then antidepressants.

The word of God is medicinal without side effects. No nausea, no drowsiness, no agitation, no etceteras. The word of God does good, only good. A daily and sufficient consumption of The Word will eradicate need of antidepressants.

Pr.4:20-22: Give attention to My words… keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.

So if God’s words are anti-depressant, can’t we conclude that alternative words are depressant? The one consuming a continuous diet of the world’s words can no more expect to be emotionally buoyant than the one habitually eating junk food can expect to be energetic.

We are like a battery being drained by “the cares of this world”. We need constant “edification” (building up, replenishing). God’s words recharge the battery.

Words affect. We are what we consume. Television is an exciting, short-term stimulate, but after the high comes the low. Television saddens the soul. No other generation has heard and read so many words of violence and drama and pain. Christ’s precious possessions sit at the feet of the world’s entertainers wondering why they are depressed.

The world can heal a sprained knee, but not a sprained soul. Regarding the intangible, the world can’t, never could, never will be able. Can’t get along, can’t stop crime, can’t be content, can’t, can’t, can’t. Let them have their happy hour; we want more.

Chemicals are the world’s fix that doesn’t fix; The Word is God’s fix that does….

Ps.1:2,3: In His law (word) he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

Hmmm. A tree that brings forth fruit…. leaves that don’t wither…. prosperity. What antidepressant can do that?

Changing one’s spiritual diet isn’t easy. But there is an incentive…. a better life.