333 WORDS….

Isaiah prophesied of our Christ: “THE government will be upon His shoulders.”

WHAT government will be “upon His shoulders”?

THE government.

But there’s lots of governments.

True. There are numerous governments – civic, provincial, national. But Isaiah was referring to a SPIRITUAL government.

What’s a spiritual government?

A spiritual government, like a secular government, is a system of rulership consisting of rulers and ruled.

There are thousands of spiritual governments.

True again.

So which of these thousands of spiritual governments was Isaiah referring to?



None. THE government existed long before others were invented. It’s unthinkable that God would create a second spiritual government. “THE government” laid “upon His shoulders” is singular; Isaiah didn’t say “governments” (plural) but “government” (singular).

How did these thousands of spiritual governments get started?

All but one were created out of the soul of man.


The soul of man is man’s intellect, emotions, and will….. not his born-again spirit. Every spiritual government, other than THE government, was birthed from man’s ability to reason, to do, to will.

Are some spiritual governments beneficial?

No. They each compete with THE government for the hearts of believers.

Even evangelical governments?

Every true believer should be ruled by THE government, the government of Jesus Christ. Sadly, that is not so. Most often evangelicals, and all christians, are attached to two. They are like a patient with an intravenous in each arm, being fed from two sources. Only one is attached to life, to truth, to Jesus.

And the other?

Let’s not go there.

So nobody should go to church?

One can attend an IC (institutional church) and be benefitted without becoming institutionalized (without being fed through a second intravenous). But one must be cautious and wise and prayerful. The IC is a powerful vacuum sucking into itself all but those firmly attached to Lord Jesus.

Are house churches safer?

Only those that are not a government (no rulers, no ruled). Only those under THE government, the Person-to-persons governance of Holy Spirit.