333 WORDS….

The Main Issue: 16-page paper (newspaper-size) distributed throughout Kelowna and district twenty-plus years ago.

The Main Issue: 10 issues of various topics of interest to most – each topic used to point to Lord Jesus and His priceless salvation – distributed approximately every three months to more than 30,000 residences, since published on the internet and accessible at www.larryjones.ca.

The Main Issue: named after the main issue, the Lord Jesus Christ, our majestic King and God, life’s main issue for both christians and non.

Issue # 1: Evolution vs. Creation

*** Evolutionism
*** Creationism
*** Dear Mr. and Mrs. Evolutionist
*** Mutations
*** What Do the Fossils Say?
*** Noah’s Ark
*** Missing Links?

Issue # 2: Jehovahs Witnesses: Christian or Cult?

*** The Founder
*** Christian Faith
*** JW Faith
*** Enter the Judge
*** Husbands Beware
*** Dear Mr and Mrs JW

Issue # 3: The Bible: Just Another Book?

*** Uniqueness of Bible
*** Letter To Editor
*** Letter From Editor
*** Reliability of Bible
*** Standing On the Word
*** Bible Highlights
*** Dead Sea Scrolls
*** Messianic Prophecies
*** Fulfilled Prophecies
*** Numerical Miracles
*** Dying For the Word

Issue # 4: Heaven and Hell

*** What Is Heaven?
*** What Is Hell?
*** Adullam
*** Who Lives in Heaven/Hell?
*** Letter To Editor
*** Letter From Editor
*** A Real Scare
*** The Gambler
*** Fearful Trip
*** Four Errors
*** Visit To Hell

Issue # 5: Christ the Healer

*** God’s Will To Heal
*** Christ Healed Everyone
*** John G. Lake
*** Faith Brings Healing
*** Sin and Sickness
*** Sickness and the Devil
*** Healing In the Atonement
*** What Is Truth?
*** Azusa Street

Issue # 6: Two Kingdoms

*** Showdown in Cow Town
*** Showdown in the Wilderness
*** Showdown in Eden
*** Showdown in Egypt
*** Showdown at Calvary
*** Angels
*** Valley of Decision
*** A Prayer

Issue # 7: Christianity vs. Religion

*** Christianity vs Masonry
*** Christianity vs Mormonism
*** New Age
*** Catholicism
*** Secular Humanism
*** Christian Science
*** Astrology
*** Bahaism

Issue # 8: Heroes of the Faith

*** Dear Larry
*** Dear Catholic
*** Haralan Popov
*** Demos Shakarian
*** Samuel Morris
*** Arthur Blessitt
*** Joshua Blessitt

Issue # 9: You…. In Perspective

*** You Live On Planet Earth
*** A Creation of God
*** A Product
*** Someone Died For You
*** The Media
*** Last Days
*** You Have an Enemy
*** It’s Your Decision

Issue # 10: Jesus Christ: Lord of Lords and King of Kings

*** Born of a Virgin
*** Lamb of God
*** Miracle Worker
*** Fulfilled Prophecies
*** Defeated Satan
*** Crucified
*** Resurrected
*** He Is Coming Again
*** He Loves You


NOTE: You can access The Main Issue at www.larryjones.ca