333 WORDS….

Before you, just beyond your horizon, is a better life. That’s better as much better. And….

Before you, just beyond your horizon, is a grimmer life. That’s grimmer as much grimmer. And….

Before you, just beyond your horizon, is a similar life. That’s similar as in boring.

If, in a couple of years, you are one of the few who attain better, even much better, you will face the same challenge….

Before you will be a better life. And….

Before you will be a grimmer life. And….

Before you will be a similar life.

Choices, choices, choices.

Similar will far outnumber better and grimmer combined. Most like ‘the way it is’ even if ‘the way it is’ is unfruitful. And guardians of ‘the way it is’ can be coercive.

Your christianity should get better and better and better. This year should be better than last, and next year should be better yet. It’s glory to glory to glory. And then upward to more glory. But….

But better doesn’t come cheap. A better future will cost life-as-is. Exchange is required. The surrender of life-as-you-know-it is the needful investment for that better life. You can’t have both. To gain, you must let go.

That better life translates into better understanding, better protection, better fruit, better health, better…. everything. But be forewarned, better, though better, is certainly not painless.

Better means more of Christ, and more of Christ means…. uhm, what’s the word?…. complications. You will be marginalized by those wanting Christ less than you.

All three – better, grimmer and similar – are, right now, heading in the same direction. Just over their horizon – visible only to the spiritual seeing – is “the judgment seat of Christ”. [See note.] There, those who chose better will rejoice, grimmer will be sad, and similar disappointed.

Want a better life? You must know…. better is only attainable through a better relationship with He who said, “Without Me you can do nothing”. It must be Lord Jesus and you. Very together. A beautiful life.


NOTE: ‘Grimmer’ is living foolishly and dangerously, even risking his/her priceless salvation. Such may never have to be concerned with giving an account to Judge Jesus at “the judgment seat” (2Cor.5:10).