333 WORDS….
Some elder questions….
Did Peter and John “appoint elders”, as did Paul? Since The Word doesn’t declare so, is it more likely they didn’t than did?
Titus was instructed by Paul to “appoint elders in every city” in Crete. Isn’t it a stretch to assume Paul had elders appointed in all cities?
Paul didn’t mention elders in his letters to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians and Thessalonians; what conclusion should we draw? Were “the brethren”, collectively, the decision-makers?
Why didn’t Lord Jesus mention/commend/criticize elders in His messages to the seven churches (in Revelation)?
Shouldn’t every christian aspire to meet the Biblical qualifications of elders (as listed in Timothy)?
Do only elders have the responsibility/privilege to teach? Wasn’t it all Hebrews who “ought to be teachers”? Doesn’t Paul suggest whosoever could have “a teaching” or “a revelation” (1Cor.14:26)? Doesn’t the entire fivefold ministry (Eph.4:11) involve teaching? (Can the evangelist evangelize without teaching? Isn’t the prophet teaching?) And aren’t all christians included in the fivefold ministry? Aren’t parents responsible to teach their children?
Who makes an elder an elder, Lord Jesus or…. ? Today, who “appoint[s]” elders?
When, exactly, does an elder become an elder?
If elders are to be defined as supervisors, doesn’t The Word and church history prove them grossly unfaithful/incompetent?
Is the husband to give leadership to his wife and children…. or elders?
Which elder do we obey when they disagree with each other? Or with our understanding of The Word?
Did the need for elders seriously decrease with the availability of the Bible?
Are institutional church elders, whose chief function is to support the pastor, true elders? If so, why aren’t they financially supported?
Have some house churches rejected the clergy-laity system while establishing an elder-laity system?
Is there a New Testament precedent for an elder directing the gathering of saints?
Are elders to lead “by example”…. only?
If Lord Jesus is “the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls” why the need for another overseer (elder)?
Just asking.