333 WORDS….

An imaginary letter to Paul the apostle approximately two millennia ago.

Paul of Tarsus:

The intent of this letter is to propose a more efficient way to advance the gospel, which I understand to be the burden of your heart.

While I appreciate your gallant effort to repair tents to help finance your travels, I suggest we contract an alliance whereby I inject my business skills to enhance the success of your ministry.

Your letters are well read by christians throughout the Roman Empire, and your reputation as an apostle, endorsed by colleagues in Jerusalem and further endorsed by signs and wonders, has opened a lucrative door of opportunity. This is my proposal:

1. I will hire copyists in five key locations within the empire to produce an extensive supply of copies of your letters to be sent to numerous locations.
2. I will hire travelling agents to offer our products at house churches and various places of sale. Agents will be paid by commission.
3. The price of each duplicate will be determined by market demand, expenses incurred, your salary (sufficient to cover travel and provisions), and a reasonable profit for myself.

I encourage you to take advantage of your flourishing credibility by producing more writings, from short articles to extended manuscripts. I can supply rewriters and proofreaders to increase production.

From a business perspective, it is imperative we saturate the market quickly. When others of influence, e.g. the original apostles, realize the potential profit from marketing the gospel and their teachings, they undoubtedly will simulate our strategy.

This is a win-win opportunity. Your influence over the minds and hearts of christians will greatly increase. You will be able to travel with speed and safety (and comfort) to areas thus far unreachable. And this venture will inject needed commerce into local christian communities.

I envision the coupling of your anointing and my expertise will result in the furtherance of the gospel you so dearly love.

Your brother in Christ,

Marcus of Antipratis


NOTE: The next article will be Paul’s imaginary reply to this imaginary proposal.