333 WORDS….

What is a balanced christian life?

To fly properly the wings of a bird must be equal to each other. This is proper balance. If one wing represents the Bible and the other the Holy Spirit, a balanced christian life requires two ‘wings’ equal to each other.

Does ‘well-balanced’ describe most christians?

Sadly, many of Christ’s people are deficient of both Bible and Spirit, governed by neither. Picture an eagle with wings of a sparrow…. flying is impossible.

Some christians have a robust ‘Word-wing’ and a stunted ‘Spirit-wing’. Or vice versa. If they manage to fly, they don’t go far (don’t accomplish much), but fly in circles.

Are evangelicals Word-heavy or Spirit-heavy?

Word-heavy churches outnumber their counterpart. Sadly, the two factions snipe at each other from pulpits and books.

Should evangelicals have less Bible and more Holy Spirit?

No. Typical evangelical should actually have more Word and much more Spirit. This is the eagle with two healthy wings.

It must be said, evangelicals do not ‘have’ the Word. They know the Bible, but do not have (live, submit to) the Bible. That’s why they’re evangelicals. (Lord Jesus never makes His own an evangelical…. or whatever.)

Evangelicals certainly have the Holy Spirit, but not as did Jesus…. or Paul and John and Peter. The Holy Spirit is not their governor, they are not led through life by Him. (They are led through life by evangelicalism.)

What’s the consequence of an imbalanced christianity?

To finish one’s course, to lay up an abundance of treasure in heaven, to positively and dramatically affect humanity, a balanced life is required.

The solution?

The solution is a life in the Spirit. There is a life in the Spirit. Lord Jesus lived that life fully.

A life in the Spirit is a Person relating to a person. Two together. The Holy Spirit and you. He the governor, you the governed. He the teacher, you the student. You enter the Bible with Him.

The Word and the Spirit…. a holy combination.