333 WORDS….
Excerpts from the gospel of John….
“In the beginning was [Jesus].”
“[Jesus] was with God.”
“ [Jesus] was God.”
“[Jesus] is the Son of God.”
“All things were made through [Jesus].”
“[Jesus] is above all.”
“[Jesus’] sandal strap [we] are not worthy to unloose.”
“God so loved the world that He gave [us Jesus].”
“[Jesus]…. the gift of God.”
“[Jesus] takes away the sins of the world.”
“[Jesus]…. the bread of life.”
“[Jesus]…. the way, the truth, and the life.”
“[Jesus] is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.”
“The world did not recognize [Jesus].”
“Everyone practicing evil hates [Jesus].”
“He who does not believe [in Jesus] is condemned.”
“Whoever believes in [Jesus] should not perish.”
“Whoever believes in [Jesus]…. [has] eternal life.”
“He who does the truth comes to [Jesus].”
“[Jesus], give me this water, that I may not thirst.”
“[Jesus] said to me, ‘Take up your bed and walk’.”
“For this reason…. the Jews sought to kill [Jesus].”
“The Jews arrested Jesus.”
“The officer…. struck Jesus with the palm of his hand.”
“Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him.”
“Jesus…. [wore] the crown of thorns and the purple robe.”
“Crucify [Jesus], crucify [Jesus]!”
“[Jesus], bearing His cross, went out to…. Golgotha.”
“They crucified [Jesus].”
“[Jesus] said, ‘It is finished’.”
“And bowing His head, [Jesus] gave up His spirit.”
“[Jesus] must rise again from the dead.”
“[Jesus]…. the resurrection.”
“[Jesus] will raise [us] up at the last day.”
“[Jesus goes] to prepare a place for you.”
“All should honor [Jesus].”
“[Jesus] must increase, but [we] must decrease.”
“[Jesus] speaks the words of God.”
“The Father…. has given all things into [Jesus’] hands.”
“Abide in [Jesus], and [Jesus] in you.”
“Abide in [Jesus’] love.”
“If anyone loves [Jesus], let him follow [Jesus].”
“As the Father has sent [Jesus], [Jesus] also send[s] you.”
“If anyone serves [Jesus], him the Father will honor.”
“He who abides in [Jesus]…. bears much fruit.”
“[Jesus] chose you and appointed you.”
“If they persecuted [Jesus], they will also persecute you.”