333 WORDS….

The Teacher often spoke in parables….

Matthew 13:44: The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Most understand this parable thus:

Jesus is the “treasure hidden in a field”, each of us is the “man” finding that treasure. The price of Christ is all we possess. We exchange our low life for a much loftier life in Christ.

But some suggest:

We are the “treasure” and Jesus is the “man” who discarded all of His riches in heaven, the cost of acquiring us.

Could it be?! Does Jesus consider ‘me’ a “treasure”?!

Well…. yes. We know our Savior abdicated His pure and safe and orderly residence to come to this impure and dangerous and disorderly planet. His love is further evidenced by three nails, a Roman scourge, a crown of thorns and much spittle.

Another parable from The Teacher….

Matthew 13:45-46: The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Most interpret this parable thus:

Lord Jesus is the “pearl of great price” and we are the “merchant” selling all we possess to obtain this priceless prize.

But some suggest:

We are the “pearl of great price”, and Jesus is the “merchant” who relinquished His all to pay for us.

Could it be?!

Both interpretations are credible.

To us, Jesus is a “treasure” of immense wealth. To Jesus, we are a “treasure” of immense wealth.

To us, Jesus is the “pearl of great price”. To Jesus, we are the “pearl of great price”.

Jesus treasures us more than we treasure Him. Much more. We are not able to value Jesus appropriately. But Jesus is able to thoroughly value us. And He does.

You’ve never thought of yourself as “a pearl of great price”, but you are.