333 WORDS….
A young mother must learn to prioritize her baby’s need. Way up there is the need to nurture a relationship with her child. This firmly established, everything else will work out fine. If that love/trust bond gets broken, the child’s future will be bleak.
Should this young mother discover Christ, she must likewise prioritize wisely. Way up there is the need to protect and enhance her relationship with her Rescuer. This firmly established, everything else will work out fine. If that love/trust bond gets broken, her future will be comparatively bleak.
It seems almost every christian has inverted priorities. Some put their church first, others doctrinal correctness, religious ambitions, fellow christians, family, pleasures, and on and on.
The Bible emphasizes, above everything else, relationship with our Rescuer….
Relationship: Abide in Me, and I in you.
Relationship: I am the vine, you are the branches.
Relationship: I will never leave you.
Relationship: Follow Me.
Relationship: He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High….
Relationship: The life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God.
Relationship: It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.
Relationship: Lord, you know that I love You.
Relationship: Where I am, there My servant will be also.
Relationship: I have called you friends.
Relationship: I am with you always.
Relationship: To live is Christ.
Relationship: Men always ought to pray.
Relationship: Where I am there you may be also.
If not purposely maintained, your bond with Christ will be compromised. Which results in less of the life of Christ flowing into and through you. Which results in less fruit, much less. Which means less “gold, silver, precious stones” and more “wood, hay, straw”. Which means you will “suffer loss”…. eternally.
Throughout the New Testament (and Old), The Author emphasizes togetherness…. the redeemed securely fastened to The Redeemer. “First love” must be “first love”.