333 WORDS….

Why not start a Preachers Club?

A what?

A Preachers Club.

What’s a Preachers Club?

A group that preaches to each other…. regularly.

But I don’t know any preachers.

Sure you do.

I do?

You are a preacher…. that is, you are called to preach.

By whom?

By our precious Lord Jesus.

But I’m not licensed or certified.

Neither was Jesus.

Don’t I need permission to preach?

You have it. Lord Jesus has called you to preach.

But, but, but….

If you prepare yourself to preach, Lord Jesus will open doors of opportunity. Remember, “the laborers are few”, not plenteous. Again, Lord Jesus has called you to preach.

Hmmmm. Prove it…. by the Bible.

Gladly. Jesus: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” You can’t “make disciples” except by preaching.

I’m not convinced.

2Cor.5:18: “God…. has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” “Us” includes you. “The ministry of reconciliation” necessitates preaching.

Still not convinced.

2Cor.5:20: “We are ambassadors for Christ.” “We” is all-inclusive. It’s simply not possible to be an effective ambassador for Christ without preaching “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”.

Heb.5:12: “By this time you ought to be teachers [preachers].”

1Cor.11:1: “Imitate me [Paul], just as I also imitate Christ.” Paul was a preacher, and so was Christ. Are you persuaded yet?


Then consider….

Rm.15:14: “Admonish [preach to] one another.”

Eph.5:19: “Speaking [preaching] to one another.”

Col.3:16: “Teaching and admonishing [preaching to] one another.”

1Th.5:11: “Edify [preach to] one another.”

Heb.3:13: “Exhort [preach to] one another daily.”

Heb.10:24: “Consider one another…. to stir up [by preaching] love and good works.”

Hmmmm. I’m listening.

And consider….

Moses preached, Joshua preached, the prophets preached, David preached, Solomon preached, the baptist preached, the twelve preached, the seventy preached, Paul preached, Barnabas preached, Philip preached, Mark and Luke preached, Timothy and Titus preached, James….

Okay, okay, I get it!

So what about it?

What about what?

What about starting a Preachers Club?

What’s a Preachers Club?

A group that preaches to each other…. regularly.