333 WORDS….

More must be said about a Preachers Club.


Because it’s a good idea.


Because a Preachers Club can improve your christianity dramatically, and others who participate.


First, you must establish what exactly is your primary goal.

Primary goal?

Yes, determine what you really want. Or are you satisfied with your christianity?

No, not at all.

If an angel said, “Name the one thing you want the most”, what would that one thing be?


Wrong answer!!

I know…. just kidding.

Funny. Seriously, what would that one thing be? Respect? Popularity? Early retirement?

No, no and no. I want more of Jesus.

Right on!! If only everyone wanted your want.

With that established, a Preachers Club makes sense. If you gathered with a small group of likeminded brothers and sisters you could help each other attain that goal.


By simply preaching Christ to each other.

But I hear lots of preaching.

I said preach Christ to each other…. “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”. Most preaching isn’t Christ-centered. Preaching Christ will make the group more like Christ. Fellowship with Lord Jesus will enhance steadily.

Sounds simple.

Simple but not easy. People of like mind are scarce.

Doesn’t every christian want more of Jesus?

Perhaps. But few want more of Jesus Christ more than they want more of other things.

There are many idols (“beware of idols”) competing for “first love”. Our Lord spoke of “the deceitfulness of riches”. Hebrews speaks of “the deceitfulness of sin”. There is also the deceitfulness of religion (e.g., the organized church system).

Christ’s messages to the seven churches and Paul’s letter to “the churches of Galatia” (and simple observation of ‘the way it is’) suggest New Covenant converts are as prone to deviate from God as those of the Old.

So what’s the answer?

Ask the Lord to connect you to a few christians wanting more of Jesus sufficiently. Together launch a Preachers Club. And then preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” to each other…. regularly.