333 WORDS….
NOTE: This is a continuation of the 333 article sent last week.
o) Those most passionately advocating the tithe are those salaried by tithes.
p) Lord Jesus: Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Collectors (those overseeing the collection of tithes) are redirecting the “heart” (loyalty) of tithers from Jesus to themselves.
q) Many collectors must realize tithing is contrary to Christ, but fear of ‘breaking ranks’ with other collectors keeps them silent.
r) Lord Jesus: “If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” We should remind each other that we must give an account at the “judgment seat of Christ”.
s) Larry Jones: “The usher collects more than tithes and offerings each and every sunday. He collects allegiances. Something troublesome is happening in the heart of the tither with every passing collection plate. His tithe is anchoring him to another way. Allegiance is being transferred from God’s way to man’s way, and therefore from God to man.” [See note.]
t) If collecting tithes really is non-Scriptural (and therefore contrary to Christ) many (most?) evangelicals are being shepherded by men either unfaithful or incompetent.
u) If collectors are mistaken regarding the collection of tithes, other evangelical traditions they promote should come under severe scrutiny.
v) No child of God has the right to suggest ten percent as a guideline, a minimum or a choice. Paul never suggested ten percent as a guideline, a minimum or a choice. Neither did other NT writers.
w) Many tithers tithe for no loftier motive than placating the collectors who misled them. Others just want to be a ‘team player’.
x) Paul: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion.” Tithing is a “compulsion” (obligation).
y) Most tithes are swallowed up by salaries, mortgages/rent and maintenance. Finances intended for Christ’s ‘great commission’ are redirected by collectors, resulting in multitudes (multitudes!) dying in their sins.
z) Some collectors collect tithes in ignorance. Some collectors collect tithes because of willful blindness to the obvious. Some collectors collect tithes because they are fraudulent.
NOTE: As quoted from a previous 333.