333 WORDS….
Hail to the King!
A Preachers Club, like every other activity, makes no sense if it fails to bring you relationally closer to your King and Lord and Savior and Creator if it does not strengthen the bond that binds you to Him.
But will a Preachers Club actually cause me to go deeper in Christ?
It could.
A Preachers Club can help a small group effectively obey all the “one another” mandates including “teaching and admonishing one another”, “exhorting one another”, “pray for one another”. You were created to express, commissioned to express, your love for Jesus compels you to express.
Jer.20:9: “His word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!” We all have a bit of Jeremiah in us, a Godly itch to preach what the Spirit has taught us.
You have been blessed sitting in a pew all those sundays…. and also damaged. You have assumed you lack the ability and calling to preach. Wrong!! A Preachers Club will gradually replace that fiendish notion with a Biblical perspective of your ability and duty. The ceiling controllers have placed over you will be shattered.
But preaching sounds scary.
As you learned to drive by driving, you learn to preach by preaching. You were scared when first driving, you will be scared when first preaching. Now you’re a confident driver, soon you will be a confident preacher. Really.
Preaching regularly will compel everyone involved to go deeper into the Bible simply because you can’t preach what you don’t know.
Everyone’s love for our Lord – please get this! – will grow as you exalt Him, as you talk about Him, as you preach “Jesus Christ and Him crucified”. And those loving Lord Jesus much will love each other much. A healthy Preachers Club will evolve into a support group, a band of brethren taking their rightful place in God’s army.
Hail to the King!