333 WORDS….
If you fell out of the boat you would be aware you were in the water. However, fish have no such awareness. Should a fish accidentally jump into your boat, it is suddenly aware of air. But you’re not.
You know it’s raining outside, but you are not aware of it until you go for a walk…. at which time you are walking in the awareness of rain.
The sister who knows God loves her is not nearly as blessed as the one living life in the awareness of God’s love.
We know many things, but can only be cognizant of a few things at once.
What we know doesn’t mold us nearly as much as that which we are aware. What has our attention has us. The proverb says, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” To give undue consideration to unworthy matters is more than wasteful; it is harmful. Therefore….
Therefore we should consider what we consider. Our mind will wander helter-skelter if unleashed. And holy things will be ignored.
The Blood is a holy thing….
Col.1:14: We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
Jn.6:54: My blood has eternal life.
Heb.13:12: That He might sanctify the people through His own blood.
Rev.1:5: Washed us from our sins in His own blood.
Ac.20:28: The church of God which He purchased with His own blood.
Most of us know we are redeemed by The Blood, purchased by The Blood, saved by The Blood, forgiven by The Blood, sanctified by The Blood, cleansed by The Blood…. but rare is the brother/sister living life in the awareness of these precious truths.
The Blood is not in our conversation. The Blood is seldom preached or even referenced. If we are unaware of The Blood we are unappreciative of The Blood.
Jesus: This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in memory of Me.
Jesus would have us always remember The Blood.