333 WORDS….
What matters most should matter most. And yet to most, what matters most matters little.
We have been given precious promises on which to build our lives. But most don’t not fully. If only we would live today like we wish we would have lived our yesterdays.
If only, if only, if only. If only what matters most mattered most.
Prosperity comes to those who build their lives on God’s precious promises. There are harvests to reap, fruit to bear, multitudes to be saved, rewards earned, crowns won, a Savior to honor, a Father to please.
The Teacher defined wisdom and foolishness. [See note.] Wisdom, said He, is hearing His words and building our lives on those words. Foolishness, said He, is hearing His words and building our lives on other words. Strange words. Traditional words. Religious words.
To accomplish much down here, those precious promises must root in our heart. They must have preeminence. No longer can men’s words be lord of our christianity. To be prosperous, we need to renounce herd-mentality, and build our house on the rock of Christ’s sayings.
Ps.1:2,3: In His law [Word] he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water…. whatever he does shall prosper.
“Meditates”…. considers…. ponders…. muses. “Day and night”…. often…. daily…. repeatedly. “Shall prosper”…. be enriched…. benefit…. progress.
If only, if only, if only. If only what matters most mattered most.
It is imperative Christ’s precious promises get from one container, the Bible, into another container, ‘me’. This necessitates diligence. Yes, we may have to rearrange our lives.
As we get hold of the promises, the promises get hold of us. A change occurs. As we meditate on (consider, ponder,) the promises, we elevate from mere knowledge unto happy consciousness. The connection to “the Vine” strengthens. “The fruit of the Spirit” becomes more apparent. We bear more fruit.
If only, if only, if only. If only what matters most mattered most.
Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ!
NOTE: The “wise man” and the “foolish man”, Matthew, chapter 7, verses 24 to 27.